danakil76's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" Advent Door #25
Good Job on cracking this door!
You got: 60 Advent Key, 5 Rudolph Key, 60 Hot Chocolate, 125 Christmas Cookies, 5 Lock Picks, 10 Fishing License, 20 Camo Cloak, 5 Swamp Flask, 10 Starlord's Mask, 30 Spidey Gloves, 5 Knight's Helmet, 2 Lucky Charm, 1 POPPED! Vinyl: Santa, 1 POPPED! Vinyl: 9111337, 1 Joycon Controller (Red), 1 Joycon Controller (Blue) and 10 Christmas Presents 2018
For sale :
https://i.postimg.cc/QCtS0KBD/vente.png "
Good Job on cracking this door!
You got: 60 Advent Key, 5 Rudolph Key, 60 Hot Chocolate, 125 Christmas Cookies, 5 Lock Picks, 10 Fishing License, 20 Camo Cloak, 5 Swamp Flask, 10 Starlord's Mask, 30 Spidey Gloves, 5 Knight's Helmet, 2 Lucky Charm, 1 POPPED! Vinyl: Santa, 1 POPPED! Vinyl: 9111337, 1 Joycon Controller (Red), 1 Joycon Controller (Blue) and 10 Christmas Presents 2018
For sale :
https://i.postimg.cc/QCtS0KBD/vente.png "