cstyle's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" SHOTTAS STATUS 1.PRESIDENT-CHILLA 2.VICE-PRESIDENT- NOVA_CANE89 3.SECRETARY OF DEFENSE- kazinova 4.FIRST LADY- Darklovergirl16 5.GENERALS- Mrmrsallen02...Redmagic...moneyblack...RoneyB 6.LEUTENENTS- Eli123... AbdiMahamed 7.SARGEANTS - hackerkc 8.CORPORALS - Libra3...wakajay...cstyle 9.PRIVATES-SOLDIERS- XavierMatthews...WhatsaUsername... straightjacket...kentloc...dkconway...808GanjaCloud...colt01...cdjwilt SHOTTAS LAWBOOK 1.Once your a shotta the only way out is to buy out which varies from 3000-15000 2.Cant be down with any other gang this results in Shottas Law 1 3.Know your crew this is important follow rank and respect superiors 4.Train first fight later hit the gym especially when respected 5.A strong army is a Dangerous army follow law 4 6.Fight as a unit work as a team work alone and you be on ur own 7.Shottas never surrender or give up we fight to the end for dat paper 8.If you bring someone to the crew and they turn on us u handle them or u out 9.if u put in work you will be rewarded if ur strong you will be promoted 10.Lack of prison Block play will get u demoted for shottas that do put in work 11.Shottas dont beg begging will result in demotion or termination Chilla is our leader first ladyThe Souljahz: VICE-PRESIDENT TOP SHOTTA HITMAN my MUTHAFCK'N HOMIEZ yall better recognize " Total Inmates:71,701
