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crystalscape1's Rap Sheet

Level 2
Health:   580/580
Cash: $35,945
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 14 years, 7 months
Last Seen: 14 years, 3 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" the fist not scape1 army                           


army allies/THE MAFIAZ(M1N1)/piru bloodz(kiddorky)/IRON ORDER 
(zackscates)/Deep rollin Higgaz(munkey)blood brothers(gayboy9000)/the riot
squad(kdawg187)/gd or folk nation(lilgoon22)(ray_murda)/crime scene unit 
(smoke10304)/6th street saints(iamqueen)/death row(howie429)(locs)/sons of
        3                    0                0                  0
lvl 1 armys daggerman/

lvl 2 armys swordman/
lvl 3 armys gunman/  
 armys recruiter/ 
lvl5 armys blue or red defenders/
lvl5 armys red&blue defenders/morganscape1
lvl 10 armys final samurais/
shit list/squishy

need some one to be mugged tell the armys thieves.

dont attack members of this army. 
get kicked out of army and muged and attacked till morganscape1 get $1000
from attacking and mugging you.
hit man are swordman & knights & gun man.
if theres atlest 1 blue or red defender or blue&red defender or final samurai
just one in any that dont give up the gang will stand.
if you attack people in my gang you will get put on the hit list 10 times for 1 day every hit posted on you. 
never leave my gang if you do you will die and be put on the shit list unless you get kicked out or give me $1000.
our shit list get there and get attacked every day.
tell me when you level up 