cody11's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
[color=#caff00]TOM[/color][color=#000000] [/color]its all about MURDER SQUAD we get off no one can stop us we at THE BOSS OF MURDER SQUAD
Tdo is get
RULES:1 NO STARTING WARS WIT OTHER CREWS, 2 ITS ALL ABOUT MACKING MONEY AND WORKINGOT BITCHES.............................................................................
[color=#caff00]TOM[/color][color=#000000] [/color]its all about MURDER SQUAD we get off no one can stop us we at THE BOSS OF MURDER SQUAD
Tdo is get

RULES:1 NO STARTING WARS WIT OTHER CREWS, 2 ITS ALL ABOUT MACKING MONEY AND WORKINGOT BITCHES.............................................................................