ckutt18's Rap Sheet

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1) Blood In, Blood Out.
2) Never direspect a brother/sister.
3) Snitches will not be tolerated
4) Stay away from contact with gaurds, or the warden.
5) We are a family, so never disrespect family.
6) Respect the members set above you.
7) Never speak GBK with outsiders.
8) Always wear traditional colors; Colors may vary by set/leader.
9) Fight to get in.
10) This shit is for life, no backing out.
11) Keep in contact with all members.
13) All crimes mut be organized by an OG.
14) Fighting amongst set in GBK will not be tolerated.
15) An OG must know about members who are fighting for rank.
16) All missions/hits must be told to the Board before committing anything.
Message your OG giving him the name of the person you want to take a hit out on,
and then your OG must send a message to the Board telling:
what rank their lil nigguh is, who their hitting, and how their going to do it.
Once approved you may proceed to commit the hit.
17) Keep your flag on you at all times.
18) Talk Shit; Get Hit!

I ride? Yes I ride. Only because I bang with pride. When I die bury me
3ft up with red on me. Rest in sleep, best believe I rest in the East.
If I die in the street, don’t forget to bang for me. If I live a G,
won’t forget the enemy. They lay out to rest hit 031 upon my chest.
pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Blood Nation. I pledge my
heart and soul to the flag-N-to all my brothers and sisters in the UBN
“UBL” or any other nation a part of the Bloods. I pledge to represent
the flag to the death of me. No one or nothing will be allowed to come
before my almighty Blood Nation. I give my life as well as take one for
my UBN “UBL”. With this oath, I pledge my life to the UBN “UBL” and all
its sets. R.I.P. O.G. TYE.
5 poppin 6 droppin crip killin to my crucifixition. Every time I look
at the sky and look at the ground 3 tears fall from my right eye. Dam I
miss my O.G. Tye.
5 poppin 6 droppin 5 alive 6 must die (refers to Bloods killing Crips)
Rest in peace to the O.G. Mack
What that white be like? - the day we rest
What that brown be like? – the dirt we came from
What that black flag be like? - do for anything
What that blue be like? - Bloods up Crips down
What that green be like? – The money we spend, the grass we walk on, the trees we smoke that baby love cali "

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1) Blood In, Blood Out.
2) Never direspect a brother/sister.
3) Snitches will not be tolerated
4) Stay away from contact with gaurds, or the warden.
5) We are a family, so never disrespect family.
6) Respect the members set above you.
7) Never speak GBK with outsiders.
8) Always wear traditional colors; Colors may vary by set/leader.
9) Fight to get in.
10) This shit is for life, no backing out.
11) Keep in contact with all members.
13) All crimes mut be organized by an OG.
14) Fighting amongst set in GBK will not be tolerated.
15) An OG must know about members who are fighting for rank.
16) All missions/hits must be told to the Board before committing anything.
Message your OG giving him the name of the person you want to take a hit out on,
and then your OG must send a message to the Board telling:
what rank their lil nigguh is, who their hitting, and how their going to do it.
Once approved you may proceed to commit the hit.
17) Keep your flag on you at all times.
18) Talk Shit; Get Hit!

I ride? Yes I ride. Only because I bang with pride. When I die bury me
3ft up with red on me. Rest in sleep, best believe I rest in the East.
If I die in the street, don’t forget to bang for me. If I live a G,
won’t forget the enemy. They lay out to rest hit 031 upon my chest.
pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Blood Nation. I pledge my
heart and soul to the flag-N-to all my brothers and sisters in the UBN
“UBL” or any other nation a part of the Bloods. I pledge to represent
the flag to the death of me. No one or nothing will be allowed to come
before my almighty Blood Nation. I give my life as well as take one for
my UBN “UBL”. With this oath, I pledge my life to the UBN “UBL” and all
its sets. R.I.P. O.G. TYE.
5 poppin 6 droppin crip killin to my crucifixition. Every time I look
at the sky and look at the ground 3 tears fall from my right eye. Dam I
miss my O.G. Tye.
5 poppin 6 droppin 5 alive 6 must die (refers to Bloods killing Crips)
Rest in peace to the O.G. Mack
What that white be like? - the day we rest
What that brown be like? – the dirt we came from
What that black flag be like? - do for anything
What that blue be like? - Bloods up Crips down
What that green be like? – The money we spend, the grass we walk on, the trees we smoke that baby love cali "