chapailale's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" Inmate Blurb:
Founder T1NO
Cofounder Cypress03
-Follow the orders of your leader
-Protect your fellow gang members
-Respect Allies
-Do not attack/mug your fellow gang members
-No Begging
-Do not attack enemies/other gangs Unless YOU HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED BY THE LEADERS
-Violations of rules will result in being fined or being premanently removed from the gang
Midwest Maniaks
" "

Founder T1NO
Cofounder Cypress03
-Follow the orders of your leader
-Protect your fellow gang members
-Respect Allies
-Do not attack/mug your fellow gang members
-No Begging
-Do not attack enemies/other gangs Unless YOU HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED BY THE LEADERS
-Violations of rules will result in being fined or being premanently removed from the gang
Midwest Maniaks
" "