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catorres's Rap Sheet

Level 6
Health:   3,790/3,790
Cash: $30,516
Prison: San Quentin
Incarcerated: 14 years, 3 months
Last Seen: 13 years, 7 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

G. M .G Rankings   
1. Founder 
2. President 
3. Vice President 
4. Secritay of Defence 
5. Cheif of Staff 
6. Directer of Operations 
7. Special Operations Manager 
8. Worker 
9. Contracter 
10. Probait 
1. Official members must at least have the G.M.G Banner , must post rules and rankings 200 $ for posting a each member of the gang 
2. Must be active at least once a day 
3. Must check in with Murda17 or AKastro every day 
4. No attacking peole more than once less they are fucking ith u , if they are fuckin wit u , u must notify eather Akastro or Murda17 and wait for a green light , then and oly then u are free to rain over them ( woop ass as mutch as u kan ) till u think they get the point 
5. If u do not recive a green light and u persue to attack and G.M.G is entered into a war with another gang .u will be ejected from the gang 
6. Making Money iz our Number one Priority working and networking with other gangs iz permited sept fr rivals 
7. ranking promotions will be givin according to lvl , Accordens to rules  
if u want a higher rnk once in her upper rnkings u will have to fight that rank holder fo it that ol will be st up by the founders , 
8. IF told by a higher ranking member to attack someone evan if u dont match up to the lvl u must , for weking the opponent and hlping ur fellow members , u will be fined 1000 if  dont komply and if u kontnue to disobay u will be ejeced from the gang 