carljhonson's Rap Sheet
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Inmate Blurb:
" have taken 100 favors from your account and your Lion Cub is now protected. Refresh the page and check for it under 'Protected Amenities'
You've sent NISHA $6,500,000 and were charged a $650
You were one of the top contractors to take the hit that Zapp put out on NiggerKiller. You get $5,706!
You catch sliceNdice4life, and manage to take $28,826 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 5028 EXP!
You catch Quantumbeast22, and manage to take $4,042 in cash from him. You earn 1146 EXP!
You catch pbstreetking, and manage to take $40,111 in cash and a Large Chocolate Bar from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You page=5053213&style=0050&nbdigits=5&type=page&initCount=0" title="" Alt="" border="0" >
You trained using 326 energy, gained 1001 speed and 77027 exp
DemOlition said on 11.19.2013 @ 9:49AM:
demo jr? wtf i never put hits on people im the nicest guy in this prison!!! lololol
You've sent NISHA $6,500,000 and were charged a $650
You were one of the top contractors to take the hit that Zapp put out on NiggerKiller. You get $5,706!
You catch sliceNdice4life, and manage to take $28,826 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 5028 EXP!
You catch Quantumbeast22, and manage to take $4,042 in cash from him. You earn 1146 EXP!
You catch pbstreetking, and manage to take $40,111 in cash and a Large Chocolate Bar from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You page=5053213&style=0050&nbdigits=5&type=page&initCount=0" title="" Alt="" border="0" >
You trained using 326 energy, gained 1001 speed and 77027 exp
DemOlition said on 11.19.2013 @ 9:49AM:
demo jr? wtf i never put hits on people im the nicest guy in this prison!!! lololol