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captainball16's Rap Sheet

Level 2
Health:   580/580
Cash: $1,046
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 14 years, 2 months
Last Seen: 14 years, 2 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" 5 Round Red 9's
Starting today,
ppl will be deleted for lack of contact, or are not following a rules.
Not updating there page, or contributes to the family. Have a nice dam
Never send me cash when am off line. That's a big No No. Ppl
here takes my cash when am off line. Ppl sent me over 200k and know
it's gone. Never send that much money. Plz and thank you.!
Top rule: Always update your page every week. Cause we get new ppl in the family everyday. So be sure to always update.
2nd thing. Scents Christmas is coming up, everyone has to
wear a Christmas hat. If you do not follow these to mean rules. You will
be punished.
Have a Merry Christmas.
Where is my Family when i need them most. There's only a
short amount of ppl in my family that is down. But everyone else is to
lazy to even check up on there Boss. Just leave. All my loyal ppl stay.
If you don't want to be here. Tell me you out. You now who you is.
Every nigga should keep a down ass bitch on they arm ya feel me!!!!!
IF AM NOT ON WRITE: Supremekilla, Kreigstag, Aliciataylor, and anyother high rank Bosses. They're your Bosses respect them or pay dearly.
RESPECT the women in our crew, for they have just
the same rights as all male members in the crew. If any
crew girl is being messed around with or discriminated,
let the 2nd and 3rd King now about this and measures will
be taken against the opposers.
DONT expect to be put into a position you DONT or may not
deserve. Show the Boss that you are worthy enough and you
will be appointed as a ranked of
supports each and everyone within the crew. If
clarifications are required, let the King's know about it
and you will be instructed.
NOBODY disses or trash talks other players that are not
within the crew. If they should start and attack you, let
the King's now about this first so we can clarify the
issue and retaliate after. This is to take precaution
towards other crew's and gang members as well.
DONT do random hits or random mugging. be careful when
you choose the people you fuck with, meaning, check thier
BLURB's first. If there is noth
ing stated in thier BLURB,
then enjoy the beat down.
***************************************** *************************
What you see below is the listings, in order from Highest
rank to lowest. That means, for everybody that is under
another crew member's rank, respect them for they are
your leaders.
If anyone is being blackmailed or forced to do stupid
rediculous errands from a commanding officer which might
get you in trouble with other players.