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buds4me's Rap Sheet

Level 8
Health:   6,590/6,590
Cash: $36,374
Prison: Putnam
Incarcerated: 14 years, 12 months
Last Seen: 14 years, 3 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" Inmate Blurb:

: Slighthunter   
 Crazier: Argos
                                       New jersey craziest:   (the head man of    
             .  LoOkoUtKID600 .

      Crazies                            Crazies                             Crazsies  
Creapers                                   Creapers                                        Creapes  
. Bonson121                          . Mrbli                                
. Buckster                              . Wellnitz72                               
. 85016                                  .  
. lukestheman82                    . Moneyman5
. badass654                            .  
. la_coka_nostra                     . sime
. scard4eva                               .  
. Velvet                                       .  
Tylar_a_fighter                       .   
Rules are as followed.......: Dont attack any of ur

relatives(crazies) u can attack anyone else that u

think wont hurt can always ask me for

 money and i will give if i have ....Dont attack any

of our partners(Allies)....Dont ever start a Fight

with a gang that has many Though warriors...or else we

are fucked!! and follow All the rules that are are on

 prisonblok and in my gang ...anyone one who

gets permanent isolation will be KICKED out the

gang!!   Make it an effort to come online daily...or face the consequences

WE ARE ALL PROTECTED BY plba1ler4lyfe 

Partners (Allies):

In my gang There is crazy shitz u all better lookout!!

Wanna join Pm me.....for Vice u have to be a level 6 or higher.
Rewards for my crazies and creapers..and Recruiters.

Lvl 3's : $1500 daily 
Lvl 4's : $2500 daily 
Lvl 5's : $3500 daily
Lvl 6's : $4500 daily
Lvl 7's : $5000 daily
Lvl 8's : $6500 daily !!!     
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