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bonjour's Rap Sheet

Level 9
Health:   8,290/8,290
Cash: $6,829
Prison: Arizona
Incarcerated: 7 years, 11 months
Last Seen: 6 years, 6 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" You break in, but you hear 1024768 coming back and decide to run before he returns! At least you make off with $74 You earn 2,850 EXP!You break in, but you hear 03132009 coming back and decide to run before he returns! At least you make off with $501 You earn 2,400 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a Rolled Blunt, a Bronze Medal and $20,136 from their bank! You earn 2,850 EXP!You break in, but there ain't shit in here. Why the fuck didn't you spy first? At least you make off with $1,893 You earn 2,700 EXP!04/21/2017 11:02amYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 9!Delete

You break in, and make off with a Red Bull, a 2017 Champagne! You earn 2,400 EXP!
Anthraxia hits like a girl and bonjour laughs 