Item Title

Item Description

bloodboy's Rap Sheet

Level 9
Health:   9,290/9,290
Cash: $130,078
Prison: Putnam
Incarcerated: 13 years, 7 months
Last Seen: 9 years, 6 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" wall of respect
You break in, and make off with a Rolled Blunt, a Chocolate Bar and $6,345 from their bank! You earn 2,250 EXP!
Reasuns used a Health Shake and revived you!
You've sent Reasuns $1,000, 1 Health Shakes, 1 Chocolate Bars, 1 Cocaines and were charged a $200 fee
You've worked hard and it's been noticed! Due to your increasing skills, you've raised your job level to 2! You will now make $1,875/day
You've worked hard and it's been noticed! Due to your increasing skills, you've raised your job level to 2! You will now make $2,750/day
You've worked hard and it's been noticed! Due to your increasing skills, you've raised your job level to 3! You will now make $3,300/day
You catch AceRobb, and manage to take $109,216 in cash from him. You earn 27 EXP!
You break in, and make off with a Bandages, a Chocolate Bar and $5,063 from their bank! You earn 1,950 EXP!

CliffPiffington has sent you 198 Bottle of Waters, 70 Rolled Blunts, 4 Health Shakes, 4 Bandagess, 1 Large Chocolate Bars, 4 Chocolate Bars, 1 Cheeseburgers, 1 Hot
Dogs, 1 Red Bulls, 1 Large Bottle of Waters, 5 Painkillerss, 4 Steroidss!
CliffPiffington has sent you 100 Energy Drinks!
You break in, and make off with a Energy Drink, a Cheeseburger and $515,230 from their bank! You earn 1,950 EXP!
You've worked hard and it's been noticed! Due to your increasing skills, you've raised your job level to 2! You will now make $3,750/day
You can't raid Mufasa's cell because he's in a different prison.
You've sent RicoJohnson $5,500 and were charged a $1,100 fee

Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 8!
okland_raiders has sent you $1,000,000!
You've worked hard and it's been noticed! Due to your increasing skills, you've raised your job level to 3! You will now make $4,500/day
You've successfully completed the hit that 174ROBBERY put out on SteelBarrs. You get $100,000!
You're getting too much for us to handle around these parts. You'll need to move to Putnam by midnight or we'll do it for ya and charge you triple the price!
You break in, and make off with a a Rolled Blunt, a Chocolate Bar, a Red Bull, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Hot Dog, a Energy Drink, a Bandages, a Health Shake, a Bottle of Water, a Large Bottle of Water and $8,465 from their BANK! You earn 2,700 EXP! 