Item Title

Item Description

bigbank's Rap Sheet

Level 14
Health:   19,790/19,790
Cash: $0
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 12 years, 11 months
Last Seen: 6 years, 8 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" Mayday-strange march ft. brotha lynch and ces cru

Twista- I aint wired right

Pusha-T- Exodus 23:1

7/25/2012 You break in to xxxxx's cell, grab her Excercise Bike, one of every one of her items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,600 EXP!

6/28/2012 You break in to xxxx's cell, grab his Coffee Press, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,500 EXP!

6/26/2012 You break in to xxxxx's cell, grab her Avatar: The Last Airbender, one of every one of her items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,600 EXP!

6/25/2012 You break in to xxxxx's cell, grab his Old Toilet, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,800 EXP!

6/24/2012 You break in to xxxxx's cell, grab his Stereo System, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,800 EXP!

6/24/2012 You break in to xxxxx's cell, grab his XBOX 360 Elite, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,800 EXP!

6/1/12 Me likey... You break in to XXXXX's cell, grab his Iron Man 2 - IMAX, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,800 EXP!
(early b-day present i guess)

6/14/12 You break in to XXXX's cell, grab her PlayStation Move (Red), one of every one of her items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,600 EXP!

6/14/12 You break in to XXXX's cell, grab his Self-Defense Books, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,600 EXP!

You break in to xxxx's cell, grab his Nightmare on elm street, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,700 EXP!

You break in to xxxx's cell, grab his Groundhog, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,700 EXP!

You break in to xxxx's cell, grab his CD Player, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,600 EXP!

You break in to xxxx's cell, grab his Vaulting Pole, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,600 EXP!

You break in to xxxx's cell, grab his Box of Chocolates, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,700 EXP!


RIP Teletubbies