RoosterCogburn's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:

05/30/2014 7:11amYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 32!
07/20/2013 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a Zookeeper and $107,750!
08/10/2013 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a Crib and $41,500!
05/18/2014 12:00amCONGRATS! You won third prize in this week's lottery! You take home $37,200! "

05/30/2014 7:11amYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 32!
07/20/2013 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a Zookeeper and $107,750!
08/10/2013 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a Crib and $41,500!
05/18/2014 12:00amCONGRATS! You won third prize in this week's lottery! You take home $37,200! "