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Pauli_C_'s Rap Sheet

Level 3
Health:   1,080/1,080
Cash: $5,449
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 14 years, 7 months
Last Seen: 14 years, 3 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" Gang Rules 
1.Help Gang Members Out (Protection Money Ect.) 
2.Dont Start Gang Wars 
3.Dont Attack Gang Members 
4.Dont Attack Ally Gangs 
5.Do what The Boss And Leaders Say 
6.If You Dont Update Your Blurb with A Bosses or Leaders Every Friday you will be Fined 2k  Everytiem you dont 
7.Wear Red unless a Leader or Boss tells you to Wear Black 
8.Attack anyone on Hitlist if your higher level then them 
9.When you join Msg ALL MEMBERS 
If you want out of our Gang you pay 5,000$ or be Muged Raided and attacked by all Gang Members 


