PURPBLOWER69's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" OUT HERE FROM DELAWARE....302....fool
ABKILLER has bought you '500 Favors'
supremagnetic has sent you 7,000 Energy Drinks!
jaseleo has sent you 13,000 Energy Drinks!
BlueBeast has sent you 4,000 Bottle of Waters, 4,000 Energy Drinks!
NATE1979 has sent you 6,000 Bottle of Waters!.
You break in to cell, grab his XBOX 360, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 3,100 EXP!

ABKILLER has bought you '500 Favors'
supremagnetic has sent you 7,000 Energy Drinks!
jaseleo has sent you 13,000 Energy Drinks!
BlueBeast has sent you 4,000 Bottle of Waters, 4,000 Energy Drinks!
NATE1979 has sent you 6,000 Bottle of Waters!.
You break in to cell, grab his XBOX 360, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 3,100 EXP!