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OG_Scarface's Rap Sheet

Level 3
Health:   1,080/1,080
Cash: $20,417
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 14 years, 10 months
Last Seen: 14 years, 1 month ago

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Inmate Blurb:

LION TRIBE-NJ Prison Chapter 
To Join:
1) Copy and Paste all of this to your profile
2) Message Me saying you would like to join
3) Fight me or any LK member and win
4) Make a nickname. *Note: Add King to your nickname*
Example(s): King Crime, King Tragedy, King Scars
Latin King History
The Latin Kings first emerged in Chicago, Illinois in the 1940s after several young Puerto Rican males on the north side--- and later, Mexican males on the south side--- organized into a self-defense group to protect their communities. The initial intention was to unite "all Latinos" into a collective struggle against "oppresion" to help each other overcome the problems of racism and prejudice that newly arriving Latino immigrants were experiencing. Hence, the name "Latin King and Queens", which as it denotes, is a reference to members of all Latino heritages.    They organized themselves as a vanguard for their communities. Like the Black Panthers, the Young Lords, and so many other groups that struggled against social injustices and for political empowerment, the Latin Kings were broken as a movement. They lost touch with their roots and grew into one of the largest and most infamous criminal gangs in America.
The group's members became involved in crimes including murder, drug trafficking, robberies and other organized criminal activities.
Chicago Latin Kings
The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation (ALKQN, ALKN, LKN) is the largest Hispanic street gang, and the largest Chicago-based street gang, in the Unite States. Although, the original Chicago members were of Puerto Rican descent, most members are now Mexican-American, and some African-American. Unlike the MS-13 and 18th Street gang---whose great portion of gang membership exists in Central and South America—the Latin Kings have a heavier presence within the United States. The ALKN has over 25,000 members in the city of Chicago alone, with another ten to fifteen thousand members in the surrounding suburbs of Illinois. They also have organized chapters of Latin Kings in over 41 states and several Latin American and European countries, including: Mexico, Spain, Dominican Republic, Canada, Italy, Ecuador, Peru, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom and others. The Latin Kings are mostly of Latino descent, with some Black, White, Asian and Middle Eastern members as well.
Latin King documents reveal that Gino Gustavo Colon (a.k.a. "Lord Gino") is considered the "SUN" of the Almighty Latin King Nation in Chicago—and has been for a long time. Currently he is serving a life sentence in federal prison due to a 25-count indictment, which includes charges of conspiracy to distribute cocaine and other drugs. Latin King headquarters is located on Beach and Spaulding in Northwest Chicago.
New York Latin Kings 
Luis Felipe (a.k.a. King Blood) started his own chapter of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation with the permission of his superiors in Chicago, the "motherland". He designated himself as Inca and Supreme Crown of New York State. In 1995 Antonio Fernandez (a.k.a. King Tone) was designated Inca and Supreme Crown of New York State and New Jersey, and the ALKQN once again began a transformation. To avoid imprisonment for his criminal activities in Chicago, Luis Felipe moved to New York, where he was later convicted of killing his girlfriend, which he claimed was a drunken accident. While in jail, he got permission from his superiors in Chicago to start the New York chapter of the Latin Kings which grew very rapidly. Using hand-written letters, he gave members orders to kill enemies, as well as disobedient Latin Kings, in order to preserve discipline. Felipe's gang was highly organized.
Latin King Leaders: 
Name: Gino Gustavo Colon
Affiliation:ALKQN-Chicago Chapter
Rank: Inca and Supreme Corona of the ALKQN in Chicago, Illinois
Alias: "Lord Gino"
Name: Luis Felipe
Affliation:ALKQN-New York Chapter
Rank: Inca and Supreme Corona of the ALKQN in New York
Alias: "King Blood"
Name: Antonio Fernandez
Affiliation:ALKQN-New York & New Jersey Chapter
Rank: Inca and Supreme Corona of the ALKQN in New York & New Jersey
Alias: "King Tone"
General Information:
Nation: Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation
Colors: Black, Gold, and Red
Established: 1940-Present
Membership: 100,000 Worldwide
Allie(s): People Nation, Bloods, Nortenos
Enemie(s): Folk Nation, Crips, Surenos,  
1) Once a King/Queen, Always a King/Queen
2) Never direspect a brother/sister.
3) Snitches will not be tolerated
4) Stay away from contact with gaurds, or the warden.
5) We are a family, so never disrespect family.
6) Respect the members set above you.
7) Never speak ALKQN with outsiders.
8) Always wear traditional colors.
9) Fight to get in.
10) This shit is for life, no backing out.
11) Keep in contact with all members.
13) All crimes mut be organized by an OG.
14) Fighting amongst set in ALKQN will not be tolerated.
15) An OG must know about members who are fighting for rank.
16) All missions/hits must be told to the Board before committing anything. Message your OG giving him the name of the person you want to take a hit out on, and then your OG must send a message to the Board telling: what rank their lil nigguh is, who their hitting, and how their going to do it. Once approved you may proceed to commit the hit.
17) Keep your flag on you at all times.
18) Talk Shit; Get Hit!
"I am not loyal to one person; I am loyal to the Crown. I do not run under anything other than the Almight Latin King and Queen Nation. I do not hide behind names or documents. I know that I was placed here by the Father to serve my community... with His help, I will do that and more."  Amor De Rey Y Reina!! 

1) Tyler_M-Foot Soldier aka
2) BMILZ-Foot Solider aka
Level 1-Foot Soldier
Level 2-Stack Soldier
Level 3-5 Star Stack Soldier
Level 4-Rider
Level 5-5 Star Rider
Level 6-Gangster
Level 7-Sgarrista
Level 8-King
Level 9-OG
Level 10-5 Star OG
Level 11-Capo Bastone
Level 12-Lieutenant
Level 13-5 Star Lieutenant
Level 14-Captain
Level 15- General
Level 16-5 Star General
Latin King Board Members
Regional Officer


-King_Zeke aka "King Murder"
Inca and Supreme Corona of New Jersey Prison 
-OG_Scarface  aka "King Scarface"
 Latin Queen History  
While originally the Latin Kings are thought to be a male organization, it eventually began to absorb women and give them an equal share. The Latin Queens constituted the female half of the ALKQN. The Latin Queen agenda is composed of self-respect, independence, family support, ethnic identity and self-empowerment. Seeking such goals has attracted a wide variety of females who had been drug addicted, victimized and/or neglected by families, spouses and partners. Sociologists studying the Latin Kings and Queens have observed the different methods in which both groups attempt to "reclaim and regulate" their environments. The Latin Queens are believed to focus more on their private space issues such as home life and protection and nurturing of their bodies, as opposed to the Latin Kings, who are more concerned with loss of public spaces in their own communities. The evolution of the ALKQN has been viewed by outside sources as being assisted by the addition and greater role in which Latin Queens have played, exposing the ALKQN to a greater range of cross-class supporters than would have been possible prior to their integration. In regions such as Spain, Latin Queens are helping to legitimize the ALKQN through integration with government sponsored programs. In Catalonia, the 200 person Latin Kings and Queens tribe was designated as the Cultural Association of Latin Kings and Queens of Catalonia. The "cultural program" designation was bestowed through government sponsored programs to assist gangs with integration into society and is led by Latin Queen Melody, Erika Jaramillo.       


Latin Queen Board Members
Board Members
Regional Officer



Inca and Supreme Corona of New Jersey Prison
- Gangster_Girl aka "Queen Terror"