NothingPersonal's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
Graphics I've done for PB:

Cash Raids:
You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Energy Drink and $333,897 from their bank! You earn 2,400 EXP!
You've worked hard and it's been noticed! Due to your increasing skills, you've raised your job level to 3! You will now make $3,300/day
Tecky has sent you $1,500,000!
Tecky has sent you $1,000,000!
Jbunnz has sent you $2,000,000!
Dude, I'm missing like so much money you've sent me THANK YOU^^^^
Welcome to Putnam scumbag. Try not to piss anyone off
12/13/2015 3:03pm
FavoritVilde has sent you $4,500,000!
Loyalty does more then cruelty.
You trained using 36 energy, gained 49 strength and 1348 exp "

Graphics I've done for PB:

Cash Raids:
You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Energy Drink and $333,897 from their bank! You earn 2,400 EXP!
You've worked hard and it's been noticed! Due to your increasing skills, you've raised your job level to 3! You will now make $3,300/day
Tecky has sent you $1,500,000!
Tecky has sent you $1,000,000!
Jbunnz has sent you $2,000,000!
Dude, I'm missing like so much money you've sent me THANK YOU^^^^
Welcome to Putnam scumbag. Try not to piss anyone off
12/13/2015 3:03pm
FavoritVilde has sent you $4,500,000!
Loyalty does more then cruelty.
You trained using 36 energy, gained 49 strength and 1348 exp "