Item Title

Item Description

Khalsa007's Rap Sheet

Level 4
Health:   1,780/1,780
Cash: $58,674
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 10 years, 10 months
Last Seen: 5 years, 6 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:


Gettin Money

You catch Average_Man [LAR], and manage to take $648,962 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 2338 EXP!
You catch willxxx [JR], and manage to take $761,628 in cash and a Bottle of Water from him. You earn 11 EXP!
You catch TheSavage420 [DVM], and manage to take $140,570 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 413 EXP!
You catch Stacks, and manage to take $199,037 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 427 EXP!
You catch Stacks, and manage to take $207,851 in cash and a Energy Drink from him. You earn 576 EXP!
You catch Stacks, and manage to take $142,072 in cash from him. You earn 243 EXP!
You catch Stacks, and manage to take $148,364 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 417 EXP!
You catch Stacks, and manage to take $152,117 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 440 EXP!
You catch Stacks, and manage to take $68,670 in cash from him. You earn 235 EXP!
You catch Stacks, and manage to take $115,823 in cash and a Chocolate Bar from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 950 EXP!
You catch Bankavo, and manage to take $55,530 in cash from him. You earn 14 EXP!
You catch bosslife43, and manage to take $639,443 in cash from him. You earn 448 EXP!
You catch bosslife43, and manage to take $437,072 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 817 EXP!
You catch ineedmoney02, and manage to take $116,857 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 648 EXP!
You catch KiNgKoNgNuTz, and manage to take $260,342 in cash from him. You earn 69 EXP!


You've sent chickenlegs $74,000 and were charged a $14,800 fee 