Item Title

Item Description

JayJamerson's Rap Sheet

Level 10
Health:   11,617/11,617
Cash: $28,574
Prison: Putnam
Incarcerated: 13 years, 8 months
Last Seen: 13 years, 3 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:


Niggaz on my dick no contract
$50,000/post for removal

08/29/2011 12:37pm
blackninja attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 72 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.

07/25/2011 5:30pm
awsome321 attacked you! You won and hospitalized
him for 66 minutes! Click here to see the whole
07/24/2011 9:20pm
awsome321 attacked you! You both fight until you're tired. No one wins. Click here to see the whole battle

07/24/2011 5:51pm
awsome321 tried to mug you, but couldn't catch you!

07/24/2011 5:50pm
awsome321 attacked you! You both fight until you're tired. No one wins. Click here to see the whole battle
