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Gansta3000's Rap Sheet

Level 9
Health:   8,290/8,290
Cash: $0
Prison: Putnam
Incarcerated: 14 years, 10 months
Last Seen: 14 years, 1 month ago

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Inmate Blurb:



To ALL my soldierz: Copy Dis' Pic & be sure nazty fucknutz WONT fuck with Ya' !!!
-Made by my good friend, Trunx!!  
   -From my Ganzta, Ray!!   
-From my bro Demhelius, who's a great Runner and a terrific Pic-Maker!  
Ganjee is my man!! :D   
-Made by my good mate, Trunx!!
Heyy everybody!

I've been discussed a lot in the forums about Storebror, Eklund, Render and the Ep..
As you see, i have been offline in 26 dayz, so i dont know what was going on, or if somebody has cheated somebody, i dont know.. 
I can't really see it is MY fault that they cheated somebody, when i couldn't go out of the gang, because my break in game..
Im very sad, that plp talk bad about me.. and i've been raided/attacked/mugged 189 times in only the last 14 dayz!!
So i think i have got what i deserved for being with em?
But i dont know what you all would have expected me to do, while i was offline????
So can we plzz start back again, and NOT be mad at me cuz i haven't done nothin' wrong..? 
Thanx 4 ya' understandingz..
Forever loyal 2:  
Maddox- My main bro & The Funniest Man in the world, alwayz make me laugh 
Kilihitman- My homie & an AWESOME Protector 

Demhelius- My bro, Runner-mate & Pic-maker friend  
Thonolan- A great wolf & friend, who helped me out from the very start
Zephyr- A great friend & an AWESOME buyer ;)
Lady_Johnson- My buddy, Bus-ticket helper & a damn good storywriter! :P 
ButtBasher- A nice friend & my Gang Mate
Render- My Brother From Another Mother
WuckingFanker- Discuzz girls, soccer &, which sees, PUN! :P
Trainin', Buyin', Sellin', Tradin', Runnin', Searchin', Hittin', Whoopin', Muggin', Attackin', Raidin',  Spyin', Talkin' .... 

"Sure you wanna fuck with me bitch?"
"You trained using 45 Energy and gained 159 Speed!"
"You searched the yard 10 times and found 14,878$ among 234 Large Bottle Of Water"
"You catch NaztyFuckNut999 and took 765,401$ and beat the shit out of him for good measure!"
"You won and put GayAzzScammer123 in the infirmary for 129 minutes!"   