Fukthepolice's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" gm gang (get money gang)
leaders:kaleb,cruz1234,dwexter21,kidhypa (allies bloods,crips,thegodmother gang harlem knights) and if get off for more than 5 days u have to pay me 1000 dollars and if u are going on vacation tell me( gang mebers:thurif,fuckthepolice,abcdefghijkl,jacka monster,
" "
leaders:kaleb,cruz1234,dwexter21,kidhypa (allies bloods,crips,thegodmother gang harlem knights) and if get off for more than 5 days u have to pay me 1000 dollars and if u are going on vacation tell me( gang mebers:thurif,fuckthepolice,abcdefghijkl,jacka monster,