Foty2126's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" You trained using 80 energy, gained 90 defense and 4739 exp
You trained using 83 energy, gained 98 defense and 4332 exp
You trained using 80 energy, gained 114 defense and 4891 exp
09/06/2013 3:24am
james0121 [P8] attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 21 minutes! Click to see the whole battle.
09/06/2013 7:06am
james0121 [P8] attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 14 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
You break in to DenchKid's cell, grab his Steelframe Bed, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 4,000 EXP!
You break in to alzrael's cell, grab his Toilet Paper, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 5,200 EXP!
You break in, but there ain't shit in here. Why the fuck didn't you spy first? You earn 4,600 EXP!
08/20/2013 11:31pm
SuperJuice bought 1 Steelframe Bed from you off the Open Market for $1,300,000
You can't spy on big dawgs

Cash: $100m
You trained using 77 energy, gained 77 speed and 2203 exp
Av3ng3dxR34p3r [ZS] attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 10 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
"Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt!"
"Carpe diem quod memento mori."
Dumbass doesn't know what out of context means.
l l l l l l l l l l
l l l l l l l l l l
MGK_ said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:32PM:
for someone who is apparently of some intellect u cant see the words that im stating to you ass are you, cause u used blatantly out of context dumb fuck
Foty2126 said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:30PM:
Classic, go on and blatantly display your homophobia.
MGK_ said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:30PM:
your gay. like really u cant even answer a question. your here and now why would i go pming him when ur already talking to me..
Foty2126 said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:29PM:
Such a stupid question deserves no response, if you really don't know ask him yourself.
MGK_ said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:28PM:
im not slow im just asking you a question fool, and one deserves an answer. not my fault u suck so much
Foty2126 said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:26PM:
God damn you're slow
MGK_ said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:26PM:
yo why u keep attacking swag?
DenchKid said on 08.03.2013 @ 3:48PM:
stop fuckin attackin me u bitch nigga your pissing me off and dont do my hit
Foty2126 [GDN]
19 minutes, 48 seconds
Overdosed on Energy Drinks
Balling with eds
09/20/2013 12:42pm
2Bluntz has sent you 49,127 Energy Drinks!
You trained using 83 energy, gained 98 defense and 4332 exp
You trained using 80 energy, gained 114 defense and 4891 exp
09/06/2013 3:24am
james0121 [P8] attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 21 minutes! Click to see the whole battle.
09/06/2013 7:06am
james0121 [P8] attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 14 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
You break in to DenchKid's cell, grab his Steelframe Bed, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 4,000 EXP!
You break in to alzrael's cell, grab his Toilet Paper, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 5,200 EXP!
You break in, but there ain't shit in here. Why the fuck didn't you spy first? You earn 4,600 EXP!
08/20/2013 11:31pm
SuperJuice bought 1 Steelframe Bed from you off the Open Market for $1,300,000
You can't spy on big dawgs

Cash: $100m
You trained using 77 energy, gained 77 speed and 2203 exp
Av3ng3dxR34p3r [ZS] attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 10 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
"Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt!"
"Carpe diem quod memento mori."
Dumbass doesn't know what out of context means.
l l l l l l l l l l
l l l l l l l l l l
MGK_ said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:32PM:
for someone who is apparently of some intellect u cant see the words that im stating to you ass are you, cause u used blatantly out of context dumb fuck
Foty2126 said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:30PM:
Classic, go on and blatantly display your homophobia.
MGK_ said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:30PM:
your gay. like really u cant even answer a question. your here and now why would i go pming him when ur already talking to me..
Foty2126 said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:29PM:
Such a stupid question deserves no response, if you really don't know ask him yourself.
MGK_ said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:28PM:
im not slow im just asking you a question fool, and one deserves an answer. not my fault u suck so much
Foty2126 said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:26PM:
God damn you're slow
MGK_ said on 08.16.2013 @ 10:26PM:
yo why u keep attacking swag?
DenchKid said on 08.03.2013 @ 3:48PM:
stop fuckin attackin me u bitch nigga your pissing me off and dont do my hit
Foty2126 [GDN]
19 minutes, 48 seconds
Overdosed on Energy Drinks
Balling with eds
09/20/2013 12:42pm
2Bluntz has sent you 49,127 Energy Drinks!