EddieTorrez's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
Co-leader: EddieTorrez
Co-leader: JackieJonesin
We have several enforcers who will remain nameless until they're in your face, beatin you down.
Accepting new recruits. Message me or Jackie and we will see if you're qualified. Level 4 and up. We may make an exception if your are a fast rising inmate, such as constantly training to better yourself.
Gang Rules:
1. Obey your two gang leaders at all times.
2. If you are having problems with another inmate or gang, talk to your leaders.
3. Update your profile every week, no exceptions. If you don't log in at least twice a week, you're gone.
4. If you want out, gang leaders must both be paid $20,000, or you will be dealt with mercilessly.
Co-leader: EddieTorrez
Co-leader: JackieJonesin
We have several enforcers who will remain nameless until they're in your face, beatin you down.
Accepting new recruits. Message me or Jackie and we will see if you're qualified. Level 4 and up. We may make an exception if your are a fast rising inmate, such as constantly training to better yourself.
Gang Rules:
1. Obey your two gang leaders at all times.
2. If you are having problems with another inmate or gang, talk to your leaders.
3. Update your profile every week, no exceptions. If you don't log in at least twice a week, you're gone.
4. If you want out, gang leaders must both be paid $20,000, or you will be dealt with mercilessly.
