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Item Description

EasternMafiia12's Rap Sheet

Level 8
Health:   6,590/6,590
Cash: $81,748
Prison: San Quentin
Incarcerated: 12 years, 2 months
Last Seen: 11 years, 10 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:


You break in, and make off with a a Energy Drink, a Hard Disk, a RAM Chip, a Motherboard, a Bottle of Water, a Large Bottle of Water, a Lock Picks, a Red Bull, a Sports Ticket, a Sports Ticket, a Olympics Souvenir Photo, a Passport, a Beer, a Adamantium Disc, a Wire, a Wooden Plank, a Metal Scraps, a Rubber Scraps, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Chocolate Bar, a Raw Weed, a Rolled Blunt, a Glass Bottle, a Matches, a Zombie Flesh, a Big Zombie Bone, a Rotten Hot Dog, a Rag, a Gun Powder, a Clean Zombie Virus, a Zombie Antidote, a Cranberry Juice, a Pumpkin Pie, a Cherry Pie, a 2013 Champagne and $14,468 from their bank! You earn 1,500 EXP!

You break in, and make off with a a Large Chocolate Bar, a Bottle of Water, a Energy Drink, a Rolled Blunt, a Red Bull, a Large Bottle of Water, a Health Shake, a Adamantium Disc, a Something Blue, a Something New, a Something Old, a Flux Capacitor, a Flim Flam, a Power Ring Thingy, a Pink Egg, a Blue Egg, a Green Egg, a Raw Weed, a Clover, a Cranberry Juice, a Bandages, a Cotton Candy, a Blue Ticket, a Hot Dog, a Ruby Slippers, a Cherry, a Apple, a Corn, a Egg Nog, a Apple Pie, a Pumpkin Pie, a Cherry Pie, a 2012 Champagne, a Beer, a Copper Triverp, a Matter Injector, a Shaft, a White Egg, a Chocolate Bunny, a Chocolate Bar, a Lollipop, a Melon Candy, a Tequila, a Motherboard, a Hard Disk, a RAM Chip, a Bronze Medal, a Silver Medal, a 2013 Champagne and $2,091 from their bank! You earn 1,400 EXP!

You've successfully completed the hit that kdawg187 put out on HiddenFlame [SN]. You get $1,000,000!
okland_raiders has sent you 15 Rolled Blunts!
Easterbunny24 bought 1 2013 Champagne from you off the Open Market for $700,000
chang112 has sent you $50,000!
james0121 has sent you $10,000!
james0121 has sent you $100,000!
BigMike187 has sent you $30,000!
BigMike187 has sent you $20,000!
BigMike187 has sent you $50,000!
BigMike187 has sent you $100,000!
GangsterSumhad has sent you $97,760!
Amish has sent you 150 Bottle of Waters, 500 Large Chocolate Bars!
Prodigy X has send you 50.000
You break in, and make off with a Bandages, a Health Shake and $17,980 from their bank! You earn 1,400 EXP!
Booo bought 1 2013 Champagne from you off the Open Market for $100,000 