Dubbz's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" Yo i am a real G!! u gonna have a hard time fuckin wit me think b34 u do some stupid shit!! kuz i will fuck wit u n your whole team!!! btw this is my 1st n only account so fuck everyone wit fake accounts!!! FUCKING PUSSIES!!!
DiamondE attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 54 minutes!
Monsur98 attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 66 minutes!
03/09/2011 10:50pmman fuck you.... it a war then
03/10/2011 4:43pmI lost to much money and I dont want to continue this war..... I want peace....
This pussy think i gave up lets see if this bitch can survive the next round!!!
DiamondE attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 54 minutes!
Monsur98 attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 66 minutes!
03/09/2011 10:50pmman fuck you.... it a war then
03/10/2011 4:43pmI lost to much money and I dont want to continue this war..... I want peace....
This pussy think i gave up lets see if this bitch can survive the next round!!!