Djuka's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" 12/28/2010 5:52pm
HitmanHatton attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 21 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
12/28/2010 4:47pm
AJSmith attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 18 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
12/29/2010 8:23am
KINGLEGEND1 attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 40 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
HitmanHatton attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 21 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
12/28/2010 4:47pm
AJSmith attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 18 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
12/29/2010 8:23am
KINGLEGEND1 attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 40 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.