Dirty's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
Rules To Join Hell’s Army
Rule #1 We don’t start fights. If you are attacked we will help defend you. However if you start it by attacking, mugging, or trying to raid some ones cell, then you are on your own. Gang members are off limits.
Rule #2 Every member of this gang earns their own money.
Rule #3 If you don’t play on a regular basis, we don’t need you.
Rule #4 We are allied with the Harlem Knights. They are to be treated as if they were in our gang.
Rule #5 You MUST display the Hell’s Army logo in your profile. It is there to let everyone know you are a member of this gang. " "

Rules To Join Hell’s Army
Rule #1 We don’t start fights. If you are attacked we will help defend you. However if you start it by attacking, mugging, or trying to raid some ones cell, then you are on your own. Gang members are off limits.
Rule #2 Every member of this gang earns their own money.
Rule #3 If you don’t play on a regular basis, we don’t need you.
Rule #4 We are allied with the Harlem Knights. They are to be treated as if they were in our gang.
Rule #5 You MUST display the Hell’s Army logo in your profile. It is there to let everyone know you are a member of this gang. " "