DionBxck's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" gc for sale £0.50 every 10mil,, deals in bulk hmu
will be selling favs soon
amens & items for sale pp cheap hmu
Up N Comin Crimer....
21 United Kingdom Female

You open your Golden Egg and 14 White Eggs popped out!
Opened the Father's Day Wallet and found 6 Painkillers, 3 Raw Weed and 306 dollars! "
will be selling favs soon
amens & items for sale pp cheap hmu
Up N Comin Crimer....
21 United Kingdom Female

You open your Golden Egg and 14 White Eggs popped out!
Opened the Father's Day Wallet and found 6 Painkillers, 3 Raw Weed and 306 dollars! "