Item Title

Item Description

DerekSouter26's Rap Sheet

Level 10
Health:   10,340/10,340
Cash: $7,338
Prison: Putnam
Incarcerated: 8 years, 2 months
Last Seen: 8 years, 1 month ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" 01/04/2017 6:53amNISHA has sent you 200 Energy Drinks, 50 Bottle of Waters!Delete
017 6:55amNISHA has sent you 2,100 Energy Drinks, 1,100 Bottle of Waters!Delete
01/04/2017 6:53amNISHA has sent you 200 Energ

01/05/2017 8:21pmJadescorp bought 1 Modern Sofa from you off the Open Market for $9,049,997

01/05/2017 5:54pmThe Warden has credited your '30 Favors' purchase


SirCracker said on 01.09.2017 @ 8:42AM:

30122016 5:54pmThe Warden has credited your '30 Favors' purchase

11/12/2016 5:54pmThe Warden has credited your '100 Favors' purchase

01/05/2017 5:54pmThe Warden has credited your '1000 Favors' purchase 