DcXNotorious's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
1. always respect the big homies, if u fail 2 do so u will be disciplined.
2. dont start gang wars with other gangs unless one of the big homies give u the green light.
3. STAY TRAINING IN THE GYM, gotta train up and keep urself strong u gotta be able 2 help out the lower level homies when u see them in the infirm make sure u check it often.
4. if u need 2 borrow money or get a weapon and u need help ask one of ur gang members just dont make it a habbit of expecting them 2 buy u everything.
5. if u leave the gang or turn ur back on us without being blessed out, u will get fucked up.
1. always respect the big homies, if u fail 2 do so u will be disciplined.
2. dont start gang wars with other gangs unless one of the big homies give u the green light.
3. STAY TRAINING IN THE GYM, gotta train up and keep urself strong u gotta be able 2 help out the lower level homies when u see them in the infirm make sure u check it often.
4. if u need 2 borrow money or get a weapon and u need help ask one of ur gang members just dont make it a habbit of expecting them 2 buy u everything.
5. if u leave the gang or turn ur back on us without being blessed out, u will get fucked up.