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Daztoff's Rap Sheet

Level 4
Health:   1,780/1,780
Cash: $50,590
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 14 years, 2 months
Last Seen: 13 years, 11 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" "
hitman=COULD BE U
commander=COULD BE U
Rules: attackin gang member or allias 
2.Must log in at least every 3 days, if not you will have to pay $5,000 to the
Boss and $3,000 to the leaders.If you are going to be away for a while tell jack9828
3.Never attack higher level players, you will most likely lose
4.Don't join our gang and then join another gang or we will kick your ass. 
5.Let jack9828 know when you hit a new level. 
6.If you have any problems with
anybody or if they constantly keep beating your ass tell jack9828 and he
will tell the rest of the gang
7.Add every person on jack9828 profile and introduce yourself. 
8.No beging for money or u wil have to pay me 3k
9.If u leave the gang u must tell ME or we will beat your ass
10.must update profile weekly or there will be a fine
11.if u have any people u wont to join the gang just messege jack9828 the name and he will check them out.
12MAKE SURE U GO TO THE GYM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  " 