DamuPiru's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" You break in, and make off with a a Cheeseburger, a Health Shake, a Bandages, a Bottle of Water, a Red Bull, a Energy Dri
and $4,829 from their bank!
ou break in, but you hear THEJOKER coming back and decide to run before he returns! At least you make off with $11,028 You ea
rn 4,800 EXP!
Break into closet
SUCCESS! You crazy mofo, you pulled it off!
You got $2,106 and gained 2,958 experience!.
12/18/2016 7:08pmThanks for playing Prison Block! Here's 15 Favors. Happy Holidays!
You Bop ass Bitches stay off Deez Nuts.. Thots always tryna be seen. I see you Thotty. Now Get that Money Bop. Make ya Booty hop.

lovewar said on 03.08.2017 @ 9:45PM:
bruh truce "
and $4,829 from their bank!
ou break in, but you hear THEJOKER coming back and decide to run before he returns! At least you make off with $11,028 You ea
rn 4,800 EXP!
Break into closet
SUCCESS! You crazy mofo, you pulled it off!
You got $2,106 and gained 2,958 experience!.
12/18/2016 7:08pmThanks for playing Prison Block! Here's 15 Favors. Happy Holidays!
You Bop ass Bitches stay off Deez Nuts.. Thots always tryna be seen. I see you Thotty. Now Get that Money Bop. Make ya Booty hop.

lovewar said on 03.08.2017 @ 9:45PM:
bruh truce "