Da_Don's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" baloo attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 57 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
Don Strapzy
Hi I’m addicted to da grime (life) let me paint u a picture off mine RIGHT dirty slums, gang wars, dirty fun alot of us wont live to see 31 so don’t play its no game I kno pain i met him in da cold rain ur a necklace im a white gold chain im da crack u could ask cocaine.
"you got more pricks in your team than a cactus"

Don Strapzy
Hi I’m addicted to da grime (life) let me paint u a picture off mine RIGHT dirty slums, gang wars, dirty fun alot of us wont live to see 31 so don’t play its no game I kno pain i met him in da cold rain ur a necklace im a white gold chain im da crack u could ask cocaine.
"you got more pricks in your team than a cactus"