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DaBomb's Rap Sheet

DaBomb [TCR]
Level 13
Health:   17,090/17,090
Cash: $17,201
Prison: Arizona
Incarcerated: 12 years, 2 months
Last Seen: 8 years, 12 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

DeathDemon123 tried to mug you, but couldn't catch you!
redzer123 tried to mug you, but couldn't catch you!
174ROBBERY [IHG] tried to mug you, but couldn't catch you!
djwilliams9 [MVP] tried to mug you, but couldn't catch you!
The_Old_Man tried to mug you, but you beat the shit outta him instead

You catch Reasuns, and manage to take $12,551,012 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 8937 EXP!
You catch NISHA, and manage to take $4,407,241 in cash from her. You decide to beat the shit out of her for good measure. You earn 2948 EXP!
You catch DBlock354, and manage to take $911,109 in cash and 1 Red Bull from him. You earn 4296 EXP!
SODOMyALLDAy has put a hit out on you! Click here to view it.
OGJazz116 has put a hit out on you! Click here to view it.
juniejune765 has put a hit out on you! Click here to view it.
lilzec has put a hit out on you! Click here to view it.

01/28/2013 10:37pm
You were one of the top contractors to take the hit that Cutie put out on NobodyEpic. You get $256,411!
You've successfully completed the hit that badboyconnor put out on squaregoanytime. You get $40,000!

(Rules to our gang)
1. Be friendly to members, don't fight each other
2. Don't start gang wars
3. Don't be a beggar in the gang
4. protect your brothers and sisters most important.
5. Represent gang colors black and red.
6. Train everyday
7. if your inactive for 5 days your going to be kicked unless you tell me that you are going to be inactive for couple of days.
BE LOYAL TO THE GANG,Prospects need to show that they are loyal by staying in the gang, and taking orders from the president and vice president and other higher members then they will be ranked up if they prove successful.
And you will be put in the gang banner brothers till the fucking death if you are in for 20 days at least, They fuck with one they fuck with us all.
Allies [HR] Hell RYDAZ, 74 Folk Nation [74]

toogood4you attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 39 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
trell attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 16 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
Thursday [TCR] attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 63 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
trell [TLI] attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 38 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.

I will not give back mugged money if I don't know you
