DRE_MONEY_513's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
" selling 1k favs foe 65 all day long
You empty the Sacrificial Skull and find 3 Chocolate Bar, 5 Jelly Beans, 5 Large Chocolate Bar, 3 Rotten Hot Dog, 1 Haunted Toilet!
You empty the Sacrificial Skull and find 1 Chocolate Bar, 3 Jelly Beans, 4 Large Chocolate Bar, 1 Rotten Hot Dog, 1 Haunted Toilet!
PainMaker attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 60 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
Adam hands you a Easter Baskette.
You empty the Sacrificial Skull and find 3 Chocolate Bar, 5 Jelly Beans, 5 Large Chocolate Bar, 3 Rotten Hot Dog, 1 Haunted Toilet!
You empty the Sacrificial Skull and find 1 Chocolate Bar, 3 Jelly Beans, 4 Large Chocolate Bar, 1 Rotten Hot Dog, 1 Haunted Toilet!
PainMaker attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 60 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
Adam hands you a Easter Baskette.