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DLuze's Rap Sheet

Level 2
Health:   580/580
Cash: $3,796
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 14 years, 6 months
Last Seen: 14 years, 2 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

  Latin Kings
1st Leader: 
2nd Leader: 
3rd Leader: 
Enemies: Midwest Gang. 
Colors and Accessories: Black and Gold/Yellow. Always have a tear drop on your eye. Meaning: Ride or Die. 
Latin Queens: 
Leader 1: 
Leader 2: 
Leader 3: 
1.Treat fellow Gang members like Family members, same with Allies. 
2.Must log in at least every 3 days, if not you will have to pay $5,000 to the Boss and $3,000 to the leaders.If you are going to be away for a while tell Lilmexican 
3.Never attack higher level players, you will most likely lose. 
4.Dont join are gang and then join another gang or we will kick your ass. 
5.Let LilMexican know when you hit a new level. 
6.If you have any problems with anybody or if they constantly keep beating your ass tell LilMexican and he will tell the rest of the gang. 
7.Add every King on LilMexican profile and introduce yourself. 
8.If you have any problems with some of the kings tell LilMexican and he will fix the problem. 
9.Obey orders from LilMexican and your Leaders.If you have a problem with your order tell LilMexican. 
10.Save up for a Bank Account right away so you can put your money in so if anyone mugs you they wont take anything.And make sure everytime you log out put your money in the Bank Account. 
11.Dont forget to vote everyday so you can save up for Cell Amenities. 
12.You can make money by searching the yard,doin the game in the grave yard,Getting a job,Doing crimes that pay,go to the game room, and become Hitmen. 
13.Make money. 
14.Make sure you work out alot. 
15.If you have any ideas or someone to join tell LilMexican. 
16.Make sure you update your profile every week, Leaders every 2 days.(Make sure you copy off of LilMexicans profile.) 
This is more than just a gang its like a family.We will help you learn the point of the game, and if anyone messes with you you tell LilMexican.If you want to join Ask LilMexican or the recruiter and they will get it approved with LilMexican.If i dont answer your message right away i am busy doing stuff, But i will try to respond ASAP,and send me a message again to remind me.Thank you!King Love or No Love. Your choice... 