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Level 3
Health:   1,080/1,080
Cash: $13,779
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 14 years, 3 months
Last Seen: 14 years, 18 days ago

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Inmate Blurb:


Locomofo Killers(still part of killerclick so if u want 2 switch ova no problem)
Position can be earn by earn my Respect and being Loyal, also a best out of three battle. just a tip dont join if you not going be on frequently. 
1. NO attacking other family member
2. You are free to attack and mug
but no starting war with out LocoMofo, BoneCrusher15, Luckett601,
warlord and underboss permission but they will be in charged of the
whole war.
3. No begging for money , or any thing else if you do i will take care you personal. 
4. You are allow 2 leave the gang for 10k dont pay and see what happen.
5. Since we are family we try and help each other by any way possible but even family say no.
6. Vote on the voting links all three times every day.
7. Train every time your energy fill up and search the yard.
8. Also for extra money go to Explore Prison, go to graveyard, then click old grave game.
9. If any body want to know about their position or want t o know wat they can do ask me.
10. Be on at least twice or once a week or get kick out, unless you inform me.
11. Our colors are black and gray
12. Check my page daily and look for jobs or things i want you to do, also message me.
If you feel like you earn a position more than a person let me,
locomofo, or luckett601 know and we will let yall have a battle only
when both of you have full hp and stamina and who every wins earn the
President: LocoMofo  
Body guards: requirements 5000 all stats
Prospect: Who every he choses  
Vice President: BoneCrusher15 
Prospect: My choice 
Body guards: requirements 5000 all stats 
Underboss1: requirements 3000 all stats or who ever luckett601 trustbcuz dis the person who get the position work n take over wen luckett601 not around
Capo 1: requirements 2000 all stats
Capo 2: Boosie187
Capo 3: requirements 1000 all stats
Grim reaper: Just be ruthless or get on the brawler or hit list, must be strong.
Murder: be one of the top people and the gang and you earn this position 
Gangsta: 2k all stats
Thug 1: 1k all stats
Thug 2: 1k all stats
Thug 3: 1k all stats
Crook 1: kyaundre
Crook 2: 2k speed
Crook 3: 2k speed
warlord: jester999
5 star general: 2000 stats all or level 6
4 star general: 1750 stats all or level 5
3 star general: 1500 stats all 
2 star general: 1000 stats all 
1 star general: ryder24
5*Vato: 400 stats all
4*Vato: 300 stats all
3*Vato: 200 Stats all
1*Vato: badtazz
Solider:  BamaBoss63,
MasterJ, OGbloodSuWu,  DustinStewart, NicFlores, dome, ChayStewart,
aceofspades, teeteeta4, Wolfshadow, jrock600
YoungVatos: jakey457, JeremiahBelin 
LADY 5 *General: 1caramel1
LADY 4 *General:
LADY 3 *General:
LADY 2 *General:
LADY 1 *General:
LADY Capo:
LADY killer:
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