D1314's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
"You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye."

�No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride...and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it off to forced conscious expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten.�
Joe hands you a Avatar: The Last Airbender DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Paranormal Activity 4 DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe looks at you suspiciously, but hands you a Puss And Boots DVD. try not to get busted with it. Only one per customer
Joe hands you a The Amazing Spider-Man DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Grown Ups DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Xmen First Class DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Twilight: Eclipse DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Catwoman DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Dredd 3D DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Scream 4 DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe looks at you suspiciously, but hands you a Twilight:Eclipse DVD. try not to get busted with it. Only one per customer
Adam hands you a Jack O'Lantern.
Adam hands you a dunbells.
Adam hands you a groundhog.
Adam hands you a Barbell.
Adam hands you a Xbox One.
Adam hands you a Toilet Paper.
08/21/2017 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a Thor and the following items: Raw Weed x 1,849 Jelly Beans x 5,880 Large Chocolate Bar x 707 Raspberry Candy x 12,717 Large Bottle of Water x 154 Rotten Hot Dog x 123 Candy Corn x 14 6-Pack of RedBull x 17 Popcorn x 33 Candy Cane x 6
11/15/2016 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a The Avengers (1998) and $20,750!
03/07/2016 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a Stocking and $34,250!
01/04/2016 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a Crib and $34,750
02/01/2014 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a The Joneses and $29,500!
08/23/2012 11:59pmCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a PlayStation Move (Green) and $36,750!
01/11/2013 12:00amCONGRATS! You won second prize in this week's lottery! You take home $23,250!
01/11/2015 12:00amCONGRATS! You won second prize in this week's lottery! You take home $19,950!
12/07/2013 12:00amCONGRATS! You won third prize in this week's lottery! You take home $11,300
04/06/2014 12:00amCONGRATS! You won third prize in this week's lottery! You take home $21,100!
07/26/2016 12:00amCONGRATS! You won third prize in this week's lottery! You take home $7,500!Delete
Sniff coke in my dreams, And smoke weed for dinner, If your doing the double your on to a winner.

.................. . U.......
..............................T . .....2012
......................................... H........... 2013
. .
........................................................ R........... 2014
. .
.............................................................. F........... 2015.............................................................................
02/18/2014 2:29pm nrkg10 took your copy of Season of the Witch from The Warden's bootleg bin!
12/23/2014 11:22pmanthonypowell took your copy of Leprechaun Back 2 Da Hood from The Warden's bootleg bin!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 2!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 3!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 4!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 5!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 6!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 7!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 8!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 9!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 10!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 11!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 12!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 13!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 14!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 15!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 16!
02/18/2014 12:22amYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 17!
04/15/2014 12:52pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 18!
03/05/2015 1:45pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 19!

...... ^*^* GOOD RAIDS ^*^* ......
You break in to Jizzle's cell, grab his Toilet, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,000 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX's cell, grab his XBOX 360, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,800 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab his Bookcase, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,800 EXP
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab his Metal Fan, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,800 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab his Flat Screen TV, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,800 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXr's cell, grab his Fred Plushie , one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,800 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX`s cell, grab his Air Purifier, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,800 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX's cell, grab his Bad Teacher, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,900 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX's cell, grab his False Advertising #2, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,200 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab her DVD Player, one of every one of her items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,000 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXXs cell, grab his Bluray Player, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,500 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab his Toilet Paper, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,500 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX's cell, grab his Old Toilet, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 5,000 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab his Ninjhog, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 4,800 EXP!
You break in to DiamondE's cell, grab his Sex and the City 2, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 5,200 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX's cell, grab his Self-Defense Books, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 5,800 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXXX's cell, grab his Chihuahua, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 7,750 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX's cell, grab his Old Toilet, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 8,000 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab his Green Unicorn Plushie, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 7,750 EXP!
You break in to BeatDownBob's cell, grab his DVD Player, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 7,750 EXP!
You break in to BeatDownBob's cell, grab his Purple Unicorn Plushie, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 8,750 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXl's cell, grab his Stereo System, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 8,750 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX `s cell, grab his Old Toilet, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 8,000 EXP!
You break in to Xxxxxx's cell, grab his Toilet Paper, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 10,000 EXP!
You break in to xxxxxxx's cell, grab his Green Unicorn Plushie, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 8,250 EXP!
You break in to xxxxx's cell, grab his Toilet Paper, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 10,000 EXP!
You break in to Xxxxxx's grab his Chihuahua, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 10,250 EXP!
You break in, and make off with a a Rolled Blunt, a Bottle of Water, a Cheeseburger, a Energy Drink, a Hot Dog, a Bandages, a Chocolate Bar, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Health Shake, a Beer, a Large Bottle of Water, a Jelly Beans, a Clover, a Cotton Candy, a Red Bull, a Ruby Slippers, a Cranberry Juice, a 2012 Champagne, a Candy Corn, a Peanuts, a Raw Weed, a Popcorn, a Green Egg, a Melon Candy, a Pumpkin Pie, a Apple Pie, a 6-Pack of Water, a 2011 Champagne, a 6-Pack of RedBull, a Pink Egg, a Blue Egg, a Tequila, a Cherry Pie, a Chocolate Bunny, a Chocolate Egg, a White Egg, a Lollipop, a Raspberry Candy, a Egg Nog, a Blue Ticket, a Copper Triverp, a Power Ring Thingy, a Corn, a Lewd Photo, a Something Old, a Hard Disk, a Salt, a Lime, a Lewder Photo, a Lewdest Photo, a Golden Ticket, a Horn Nose, a Wig, a Doofy Shoes, a Squirt Flower, a Petrified Banshee, a Gloves, a Time Machine, a Silver Medal, a Empty Basket, a Wire, a Ping Pong Ball, a Screws, a Sports Ticket, a Olympics Postcards, a Leather Cover, a Apple, a Fake Antlers, a Shaft, a Dead Duck, a Pie Crust, a Tinsel, a Dead Chicken, a Bow, a Bells, a Botox, a Breadcrumbs, a Flux Capacitor, a Adamantium Disc, a Flim Flam, a Something New, a Something Blue, a Matter Injector, a Token, a Pumpkin, a Cherry, a Handle, a Motherboard, a RAM Chip, a Wedding Band, a Unconscious Lion, a Alka Seltzer Tablets, a Lost Infant (chocolate), a Lost Infant (vanilla), a Drunken Worm, a Balloon Animal, a Goggles, a Swimsuit, a Shot Glass, a Bronze Medal, a Wedding Ring, a Dead Turkey, a Driver's License, a Small Mattress, a Pole, a G-String, a Passport, a Tennis Racket, a Sports Ticket, a Wooden Plank, a Athletic Shoe, a Rotten Cheeseburger, a Rotten Hot Dog, a Dried Jerky, a Can of Beans, a Rag, a Zombie Water, a Matches, a Glass Bottle, a Gun Powder, a Zombie Vomit, a Zombie Flesh, a Big Zombie Bone, a Metal Scraps, a Clean Zombie Virus, a Zombie Antidote and $9,711 from their bank! You earn 2,200 EXP!
You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Energy Drink, a Health Shake, a Cheeseburger, a Bandages, a Blue Ticket, a Apple, a Cotton Candy, a Copper Triverp, a Adamantium Disc, a Breadcrumbs, a Pumpkin, a Cherry, a Something Old, a Flim Flam, a Something New, a Power Ring Thingy, a Corn, a Something Blue, a Lewdest Photo, a Lewder Photo, a Dead Duck, a Salt, a Lime, a RAM Chip, a Token, a Flux Capacitor, a Golden Ticket, a Matter Injector, a Handle, a Hard Disk, a Goggles, a Wooden Plank, a Big Zombie Bone, a Matches, a Rolled Blunt, a Gator Tooth, a Plastic Scrap, a Frog Legs, a Zombie Water, a Glass Bottle, a Zombie Antidote, a Bat Wing, a Empty Water Bottle, a Toilet Paper Roll, a Nuts, a Rubber Scraps, a Wolf Pelt, a Metal Scraps, a Werewolf Canine, a Turkey Feather, a Tinsel, a Cherry Pie, a Pink Egg(Old), a Cranberry Juice, a Lollipop, a Egg Nog, a Chocolate Bar, a Wig, a Lewd Photo, a Red Bull, a Large Bottle of Water, a Ruby Slippers, a Beer, a Hot Dog, a Blue Egg(Old), a Green Egg(Old), a 6-Pack of Water, a Pumpkin Pie, a Silver Medal, a Chocolate Egg, a Chocolate Bunny, a Golden Feather, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Rotten Egg, a Pink Egg, a Green Egg, a Yellow Egg, a Melon Candy, a Peanuts, a Can of Beans, a Raw Weed, a Rotten Hot Dog, a Clean Zombie Virus, a Tequila and $6,900 from their bank! You earn 10,250 EXP!
Started ; 18/1/14


�No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride...and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it off to forced conscious expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten.�
Joe hands you a Avatar: The Last Airbender DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Paranormal Activity 4 DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe looks at you suspiciously, but hands you a Puss And Boots DVD. try not to get busted with it. Only one per customer
Joe hands you a The Amazing Spider-Man DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Grown Ups DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Xmen First Class DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Twilight: Eclipse DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Catwoman DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Dredd 3D DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe hands you a Scream 4 DVD. Try not to get busted with it.
One per customer!
Joe looks at you suspiciously, but hands you a Twilight:Eclipse DVD. try not to get busted with it. Only one per customer
Adam hands you a Jack O'Lantern.
Adam hands you a dunbells.
Adam hands you a groundhog.
Adam hands you a Barbell.
Adam hands you a Xbox One.
Adam hands you a Toilet Paper.
08/21/2017 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a Thor and the following items: Raw Weed x 1,849 Jelly Beans x 5,880 Large Chocolate Bar x 707 Raspberry Candy x 12,717 Large Bottle of Water x 154 Rotten Hot Dog x 123 Candy Corn x 14 6-Pack of RedBull x 17 Popcorn x 33 Candy Cane x 6
11/15/2016 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a The Avengers (1998) and $20,750!
03/07/2016 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a Stocking and $34,250!
01/04/2016 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a Crib and $34,750
02/01/2014 12:00amCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a The Joneses and $29,500!
08/23/2012 11:59pmCONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a PlayStation Move (Green) and $36,750!
01/11/2013 12:00amCONGRATS! You won second prize in this week's lottery! You take home $23,250!
01/11/2015 12:00amCONGRATS! You won second prize in this week's lottery! You take home $19,950!
12/07/2013 12:00amCONGRATS! You won third prize in this week's lottery! You take home $11,300
04/06/2014 12:00amCONGRATS! You won third prize in this week's lottery! You take home $21,100!
07/26/2016 12:00amCONGRATS! You won third prize in this week's lottery! You take home $7,500!Delete

Sniff coke in my dreams, And smoke weed for dinner, If your doing the double your on to a winner.
.................. . U.......
..............................T . .....2012
......................................... H........... 2013
. .
........................................................ R........... 2014
. .
.............................................................. F........... 2015.............................................................................
02/18/2014 2:29pm nrkg10 took your copy of Season of the Witch from The Warden's bootleg bin!
12/23/2014 11:22pmanthonypowell took your copy of Leprechaun Back 2 Da Hood from The Warden's bootleg bin!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 2!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 3!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 4!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 5!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 6!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 7!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 8!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 9!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 10!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 11!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 12!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 13!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 14!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 15!
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 16!
02/18/2014 12:22amYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 17!
04/15/2014 12:52pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 18!
03/05/2015 1:45pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 19!

...... ^*^* GOOD RAIDS ^*^* ......
You break in to Jizzle's cell, grab his Toilet, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,000 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX's cell, grab his XBOX 360, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,800 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab his Bookcase, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,800 EXP
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab his Metal Fan, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,800 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab his Flat Screen TV, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,800 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXr's cell, grab his Fred Plushie , one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,800 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX`s cell, grab his Air Purifier, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,800 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX's cell, grab his Bad Teacher, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 1,900 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX's cell, grab his False Advertising #2, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,200 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab her DVD Player, one of every one of her items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,000 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXXs cell, grab his Bluray Player, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,500 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab his Toilet Paper, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,500 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX's cell, grab his Old Toilet, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 5,000 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab his Ninjhog, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 4,800 EXP!
You break in to DiamondE's cell, grab his Sex and the City 2, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 5,200 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX's cell, grab his Self-Defense Books, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 5,800 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXXX's cell, grab his Chihuahua, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 7,750 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXX's cell, grab his Old Toilet, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 8,000 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX's cell, grab his Green Unicorn Plushie, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 7,750 EXP!
You break in to BeatDownBob's cell, grab his DVD Player, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 7,750 EXP!
You break in to BeatDownBob's cell, grab his Purple Unicorn Plushie, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 8,750 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXl's cell, grab his Stereo System, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 8,750 EXP!
You break in to XXXXXXX `s cell, grab his Old Toilet, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 8,000 EXP!
You break in to Xxxxxx's cell, grab his Toilet Paper, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 10,000 EXP!
You break in to xxxxxxx's cell, grab his Green Unicorn Plushie, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 8,250 EXP!
You break in to xxxxx's cell, grab his Toilet Paper, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 10,000 EXP!
You break in to Xxxxxx's grab his Chihuahua, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 10,250 EXP!
You break in, and make off with a a Rolled Blunt, a Bottle of Water, a Cheeseburger, a Energy Drink, a Hot Dog, a Bandages, a Chocolate Bar, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Health Shake, a Beer, a Large Bottle of Water, a Jelly Beans, a Clover, a Cotton Candy, a Red Bull, a Ruby Slippers, a Cranberry Juice, a 2012 Champagne, a Candy Corn, a Peanuts, a Raw Weed, a Popcorn, a Green Egg, a Melon Candy, a Pumpkin Pie, a Apple Pie, a 6-Pack of Water, a 2011 Champagne, a 6-Pack of RedBull, a Pink Egg, a Blue Egg, a Tequila, a Cherry Pie, a Chocolate Bunny, a Chocolate Egg, a White Egg, a Lollipop, a Raspberry Candy, a Egg Nog, a Blue Ticket, a Copper Triverp, a Power Ring Thingy, a Corn, a Lewd Photo, a Something Old, a Hard Disk, a Salt, a Lime, a Lewder Photo, a Lewdest Photo, a Golden Ticket, a Horn Nose, a Wig, a Doofy Shoes, a Squirt Flower, a Petrified Banshee, a Gloves, a Time Machine, a Silver Medal, a Empty Basket, a Wire, a Ping Pong Ball, a Screws, a Sports Ticket, a Olympics Postcards, a Leather Cover, a Apple, a Fake Antlers, a Shaft, a Dead Duck, a Pie Crust, a Tinsel, a Dead Chicken, a Bow, a Bells, a Botox, a Breadcrumbs, a Flux Capacitor, a Adamantium Disc, a Flim Flam, a Something New, a Something Blue, a Matter Injector, a Token, a Pumpkin, a Cherry, a Handle, a Motherboard, a RAM Chip, a Wedding Band, a Unconscious Lion, a Alka Seltzer Tablets, a Lost Infant (chocolate), a Lost Infant (vanilla), a Drunken Worm, a Balloon Animal, a Goggles, a Swimsuit, a Shot Glass, a Bronze Medal, a Wedding Ring, a Dead Turkey, a Driver's License, a Small Mattress, a Pole, a G-String, a Passport, a Tennis Racket, a Sports Ticket, a Wooden Plank, a Athletic Shoe, a Rotten Cheeseburger, a Rotten Hot Dog, a Dried Jerky, a Can of Beans, a Rag, a Zombie Water, a Matches, a Glass Bottle, a Gun Powder, a Zombie Vomit, a Zombie Flesh, a Big Zombie Bone, a Metal Scraps, a Clean Zombie Virus, a Zombie Antidote and $9,711 from their bank! You earn 2,200 EXP!
You break in, and make off with a a Bottle of Water, a Energy Drink, a Health Shake, a Cheeseburger, a Bandages, a Blue Ticket, a Apple, a Cotton Candy, a Copper Triverp, a Adamantium Disc, a Breadcrumbs, a Pumpkin, a Cherry, a Something Old, a Flim Flam, a Something New, a Power Ring Thingy, a Corn, a Something Blue, a Lewdest Photo, a Lewder Photo, a Dead Duck, a Salt, a Lime, a RAM Chip, a Token, a Flux Capacitor, a Golden Ticket, a Matter Injector, a Handle, a Hard Disk, a Goggles, a Wooden Plank, a Big Zombie Bone, a Matches, a Rolled Blunt, a Gator Tooth, a Plastic Scrap, a Frog Legs, a Zombie Water, a Glass Bottle, a Zombie Antidote, a Bat Wing, a Empty Water Bottle, a Toilet Paper Roll, a Nuts, a Rubber Scraps, a Wolf Pelt, a Metal Scraps, a Werewolf Canine, a Turkey Feather, a Tinsel, a Cherry Pie, a Pink Egg(Old), a Cranberry Juice, a Lollipop, a Egg Nog, a Chocolate Bar, a Wig, a Lewd Photo, a Red Bull, a Large Bottle of Water, a Ruby Slippers, a Beer, a Hot Dog, a Blue Egg(Old), a Green Egg(Old), a 6-Pack of Water, a Pumpkin Pie, a Silver Medal, a Chocolate Egg, a Chocolate Bunny, a Golden Feather, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Rotten Egg, a Pink Egg, a Green Egg, a Yellow Egg, a Melon Candy, a Peanuts, a Can of Beans, a Raw Weed, a Rotten Hot Dog, a Clean Zombie Virus, a Tequila and $6,900 from their bank! You earn 10,250 EXP!
Started ; 18/1/14