Item Title

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Cortez's Rap Sheet

Level 5
Health:   2,690/2,690
Cash: $9,524
Prison: San Quentin
Incarcerated: 14 years, 8 months
Last Seen: 14 years, 3 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" Inmate Blurb:
RULES " "    "
1. No unauthorized wars. 
2. Update profile EVERYTIME u visit. 
3. Do not attack fellow gang members or members of allied gangs.  
4. Breaking rules will results in 2k fine then 2nd offense expulsion 
from gang. 
5. Do not attack gang members of ANY gang without prior permission. 
6. If any problems go to the AC, AC will go to the OC, OC will go to the

    Brigadier will go to the Army Council.
Crossing communities to beat u down.   

We are currently not at war with anyone! 
  Allies with: 