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Cesurkan's Rap Sheet

Level 3
Health:   1,080/1,080
Cash: $22,147
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 14 years, 1 month
Last Seen: 14 years, 1 month ago

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Inmate Blurb:

The Rules:
        1. Respect and help other members out whenever you can 
        2. If you have an issue go to a general not the leader 
        3. Don't beg for money......ever 
        4 .Train whenever and as much as you can 
        5. Make money however you can 
        6. Check in to general when your on so they can tell you whats goin on 
        7. All high up members are required to get on atleast every 2 days 
        8. Don't cry over being mugged or attacked unless they keep hitting you 
        9. Watch who you mug and attack make sure there not allies  
      10. Be loyal to the gang and you'll move up fast 
      11. Don't Gang jump either you in or your out 
      12. And remember its TAYLOR GANG or DIE!!!!!!!      