Item Title

Item Description

Cam_420's Rap Sheet

Level 12
Health:   18,967/18,967
Cash: $3,655
Prison: Arizona
Incarcerated: 4 years, 6 months
Last Seen: 4 years, 4 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" ** Don’t be pissed if I mug you or someone in your gang.. I just need money to train **

You trained using 85 energy and gained 168 and 6,804 exp
You trained using 80 energy and gained 170 and 4,845 exp
My training getting better
You trained using 105 energy and gained 233 and 9,786 exp
You trained using 115 energy and gained 266 and 13,167 exp
You trained using 117 energy and gained 276 and 12,752 exp


You trained using 196 energy and gained 883 and 37,396 exp
You trained using 199 energy and gained 904 and 50,986 exp 