Item Title

Item Description

CaNnAbIsViLLe's Rap Sheet

Level 19
Health:   50,457/50,457
Cash: $2,918
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 1 month
Last Seen: 7 years, 13 days ago

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My Notes

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Inmate Blurb:


51% Muthafucka +
49% Son of a bitch =
100% reason to stay the fuck outta my events!

VVV-----Don't let this be you!-----VVV

You break in to paulie_wallnuts's cell, grab his Avatar: The Last Airbender, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,000 EXP!

You break in to Conscious's cell, grab his PlayStation Move (Red), one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,600 EXP!

You break in to Rockman69's cell, grab his Microwave Oven, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,500 EXP!

You catch Daddie, and manage to take $115,222 in cash and a Power Ring Thingy from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure.

You catch Daddie, and manage to take $122,802 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure.

You catch Daddie, and manage to take $103,022 in cash from him.

You catch Daddie, and manage to take $106,892 in cash and a Cheeseburger from him.

You catch Daddie, and manage to take $230,279 in cash from him.

You catch Daddie, and manage to take $369,863 in cash from him.

You catch Daddie, and manage to take $245,959 in cash from him.

You catch Daddie, and manage to take $149,164 in cash from him.

You catch BossMayne, and manage to take $120,193 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure.

You catch BossMayne, and manage to take $188,732 in cash from him.

You catch BossMayne, and manage to take $177,011 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure.

You catch BossMayne, and manage to take $209,896 in cash from him.

You catch BossMayne, and manage to take $249,776 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure.

You catch BossMayne, and manage to take $246,211 in cash from him.

You catch BossMayne, and manage to take $566,712 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure.

You catch BossMayne, and manage to take $536,214 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure.

Miraculously, you manage to catch georgekilla off-guard and snatch $136,371 from him

Miraculously, you manage to catch georgekilla off-guard and snatch $159,473 from him

Miraculously, you manage to catch georgekilla off-guard and snatch $131,026 from him

Miraculously, you manage to catch georgekilla off-guard and snatch $125,343 from him

Miraculously, you manage to catch Lil_Fly off-guard and snatch $178,264 from him

You were one of the top contractors to take the hit that hanako put out on bigbank. You get $2,516,234!


CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.01.2012 @ 8:38am]

Not sure why you're attacking me repeatedly and mugging me but I don't take kindly to it as I'm sure you wouldn't either.

I'm requesting my funds back as well as reimbursement for having to bail out of the infirmary.

The total's 30K

Hopefully we can resolve this amicably.

XXXXX [02.01.2012 @ 4:53pm]

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.01.2012 @ 4:54pm]

it'll be 300 EDS later, nice chatting with you.

XXXXX [02.16.2012 @ 6:27pm]
don't u have something better 2 do

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.16.2012 @ 6:28pm]
not when someone's an ass

I told you it would only get worse

XXXXX [02.16.2012 @ 6:29pm]
so what is it exactly that u want me 2 do

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.16.2012 @ 6:32pm]
300 eds to get off my enemies list

XXXXX [02.16.2012 @ 6:32pm]

You've sent CaNnAbIsViLLe 300 Energy Drinks and were charged a $100 fee

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.16.2012 @ 6:33pm]
cool, have fun playing

sorry had to come to this but I don't like people attacking or mugging me

Selected enemies have been removed from your list!


CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.02.2012 @ 7:39pm]
you revived me so I'll let the mugging slide but I would suggest you send my cash back.

Look at my profile, I hold grudges

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.27.2012 @ 6:27pm]
your 313 eds to get off my enemies list.

02/27/2012 6:28pm XXXXX has sent you 313 Energy Drinks!

XXXXX [02.27.2012 @ 6:29pm]
now leave me the hell alone u are sick

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.27.2012 @ 6:30pm]
you started it O_o

XXXXX has been removed from your enemies list!

And tell ***** he can expect the same when he gets here!


***** [05.29.2012 @ 9:40am]
look can man i aint got no bad blood wit you homie..dat bullshit in the past...lets end dis bullshit homie

CaNnAbIsViLLe [05.29.2012 @ 5:54pm]
I'm all down for ending it, I've offered it before.

The fact remains that you were in the wrong. You attacked me for no reason, not to mention all the time and XP you've cost me. So I'd like some compensation for that... only natural no, wouldn't you do the same?

However, in the spirit of ending this I've continually tried to compromise and the final offer was 1K eds even though last time you refused I told you it was going to be more than 2K eds and an apology.

I do see you don't even have 1K eds and I'm not a dick. So I'm willing to end this for 500 eds and your 40something RB's... deal?

***** [05.29.2012 @ 6:01pm]

CaNnAbIsViLLe [05.29.2012 @ 6:06pm]
Well, it serves as a warning to others. Notice the dates, that's what tells people I will attack you for months until you pay me back.

However I understand what you mean so I'm willing to change your guys names to XXXXX, cool?

If so, send the stuff over and I'll change my profile

CaNnAbIsViLLe [05.29.2012 @ 6:09pm]
you sent blunts instead of the RBs (redbulls) lol

Gimme a sec I'll send the blunts back so you can send the RB's

CaNnAbIsViLLe [05.29.2012 @ 6:12pm]
You've sent ***** 40 Rolled Blunts and were charged a $100 fee

Lol, I see why you thought I meant Rolled Blunts lol

and the 30 something redbulls will do man, glad we could finally resolve this.

05/29/2012 @ 6:15pm ***** has sent you 500 Energy Drinks, 38 Red Bulls!


and if you're a real ass while I try and resolve it peacefully, I'll leave ur name in the mail.

CaNnAbIsViLLe [01.31.2012 @ 3:26am]

I would appreciate it if you gave me my cash back.

The attack was unprovoked and I'd rather not have any problems.

zombieclown123 [01.31.2012 @ 11:46am]
sorry no cash its mine

CaNnAbIsViLLe [01.31.2012 @ 4:36pm]
alright, remember I tried to resolve this peacefully!

CaNnAbIsViLLe [01.31.2012 @ 4:41pm]
Don't forget UR a recruit and the recruitment post specifically states not to start shit with people!

You might want to take a look at my profile and notice I've only been playing for 6 days, I don't fuck around.

zombieclown123 [02.04.2012 @ 6:28pm]
bro leave me alone i will give you 10 eds whatever u want just leave me alone

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.04.2012 @ 6:31pm]
You started this, remember I tried to resolve it peacefully w/ you just returning my money?

Now you have to pay, 500 eds 500 water and one of your bike amens.

zombieclown123 [02.04.2012 @ 6:32pm]
omg you been spying on me

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.04.2012 @ 6:33pm]
that's the offer, take it or leave it.

zombieclown123 [02.04.2012 @ 6:34pm]
dude ur just being sad it took me 1 month to get those stuff

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.04.2012 @ 6:34pm]
yes, from robbing new people like me at the time.

Maybe now you'll think first before you mess w/ someone.

zombieclown123 [02.04.2012 @ 6:36pm]
dude if i tell you a little way to get lots of money will you leave me alone

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.04.2012 @ 6:37pm]
no, if you know that then you'll have no problem getting more. Maybe you should have done your trick instead of mugging me huh, food for thought.

500 eds, 500 water and one of your bikes.

zombieclown123 [02.04.2012 @ 6:38pm]
plz leave me alone

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.04.2012 @ 6:40pm]
I told you what the deal is. Until then, you will not get out of the infirmary and the only time you'll be able to play is for the ten minutes I can't attack you.

Just send the stuff. If you send the eds and waters right now I might be nice and let you keep your bike.

zombieclown123 [02.04.2012 @ 6:41pm]
bro i get some my gang on you

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.04.2012 @ 6:43pm]
now it's all your eds, all your water and your bike amen. Would you like to go for me asking for both your bikes?

Besides, you're a RECRUIT and like I told you when you first attacked and mugged me, your rules specifically state not to start shit!

zombieclown123 [02.05.2012 @ 7:09am]
CaNnAbIsViLLe raided your cell and ran off with your Exercise Bike and one of every one of your items. The Warden has changed your Cell Combo, but are you gonna let him get away with that shit man?

ok can you leave me alone now

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.05.2012 @ 7:12am]
fine, apologize for being an ass, 200 eds and 400 waters.

Notice how I'm STILL working w/ you.

zombieclown123 [02.05.2012 @ 7:16am]
will 200 eds and 20 waters do?

CaNnAbIsViLLe [02.05.2012 @ 7:17am]
fine man...

02/05/2012 7:19am zombieclown123 has sent you 200 Energy Drinks!

zombieclown123 [02.05.2012 @ 7:19am]
ok sorry for before


big_daddy_mafia [06.15.2012 @ 7:54pm]
bro lets dead this shit keep it real its waste of exp

CaNnAbIsViLLe [06.15.2012 @ 7:57pm]
You're the one that attacked me after we had squashed shit.

Then you apologize saying something about didn't know you were DR when I've been flying their flag since the get go!

I let you off easy the first time w/ only 500 eds and you repay me by mugging me first chance you get.

But fine, in the interest of squashing this shit, 5K eds.

And if you ever even so much as look in my direction in the wrong manner there won't be enough eds to get you off my enemies list.

big_daddy_mafia [06.15.2012 @ 8:01pm]
im not doing eds bro igotta train

CaNnAbIsViLLe [06.15.2012 @ 8:35pm]
your choice... can't train if you have no cash and in infirm most of the time.

I suggest you do the 5K, it only gets higher the longer you drag it out.

CaNnAbIsViLLe [06.15.2012 @ 8:57pm]
ok, so I guess that's a no? Just wanna verify cuz I let you slide when you had 4 mill a little while ago.

big_daddy_mafia [06.15.2012 @ 8:57pm]
hold up

big_daddy_mafia [06.15.2012 @ 8:58pm]
You've sent CaNnAbIsViLLe 4,000 Energy Drinks, 100 Shroomss and were charged a $100 fee

best ur gettin from me

CaNnAbIsViLLe [06.15.2012 @ 9:02pm]
ok fine, in the interest of squashing it... cuz you seem kinda cool but have dick moments lol.

It's not like a tourettes sickness is it? lol

big_daddy_mafia [06.15.2012 @ 9:02pm]
lmmfao naw its over now lol

CaNnAbIsViLLe [06.15.2012 @ 9:02pm]
big_daddy_mafia has been removed from your enemies list!

Don't show up in my events again, I don't like being a dick lol 