CJBiggs's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 10!
You searched the yard 10 time(s) and found $3,262 along with 6 Large Bottle of Water!
You searched the yard 10 time(s) and found $2,940 along with 4 Large Bottle of Water, 1 Rolled Blunt!
You searched the yard 10 time(s) and found $3,773 along with 6 Large Bottle of Water!
You searched the yard 10 time(s) and found $3,934 along with 5 Large Bottle of Water!

Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 10!
You searched the yard 10 time(s) and found $3,262 along with 6 Large Bottle of Water!
You searched the yard 10 time(s) and found $2,940 along with 4 Large Bottle of Water, 1 Rolled Blunt!
You searched the yard 10 time(s) and found $3,773 along with 6 Large Bottle of Water!
You searched the yard 10 time(s) and found $3,934 along with 5 Large Bottle of Water!