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BrionThomas's Rap Sheet

Level 2
Health:   580/580
Cash: $5,972
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 14 years, 3 months
Last Seen: 14 years, 2 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" "    5 Round Red 9's


                                                   5 Round Red 9's 

IF AM NOT ON WRITE: Supremekilla, Kreigstag, Aliciataylor, and anyother high rank Bosses. They're your Bosses respect them or pay dearly.
RESPECT the women in our crew, for they have just 
the same rights as all male members in the crew. If any 
crew girl is being messed around with or discriminated, 
let the 2nd and 3rd King now about this and measures will 
be taken against the opposers.
DONT expect to be put into a position you DONT or may not 
deserve. Show the Boss that you are worthy enough and you 
will be appointed as a ranked officer. 
EVERYONE supports each and everyone within the crew. If 
clarifications are required, let the King's know about it 
and you will be instructed.
NOBODY disses or trash talks other players that are not 
within the crew. If they should start and attack you, let 
the King's now about this first so we can clarify the 
issue and retaliate after. This is to take precaution 
towards other crew's and gang members as well.
DONT do random hits or random mugging. be careful when 
you choose the people you fuck with, meaning, check thier 
BLURB's first. If there is nothing stated in thier BLURB, 
then enjoy the beat down.
What you see below is the listings, in order from Highest 
rank to lowest. That means, for everybody that is under 
another crew member's rank, respect them for they are 
your leaders.
If anyone is being blackmailed or forced to do stupid 
rediculous errands from a commanding officer which might 
get you in trouble with other players, let the King's 
know about this and they will be punished severely.


5 Round Red 9's 

Top 5 Star Leaders.


 1st King: 
2nd King: Supremekilla ( Top DOG)
3rd King: Kreigstag (Top DOG)
4th King: GramzSME

5thKing: Masiga
Queen:  Aliciataylor
2nd Queen: Girl (June Bug)
3rd Queen:  BaybeeBiatchhh (Supremekilla's girl.)
4th Queen: im_reesebitch
5th Queen: Henny 
(Kreigstag's girl)

1st Boss:  MatthewDexter                            Close friends: 
2nd Boss: GramzSME                                Hitdude_from_above

3rd Boss: luckett601                                             cryhavoc 
4th Boss: Ddog                                               Angelo_Roberts 
5th Boss: Scarecrow   
 1st general: kushman
2nd General: malibuw       
3rd General: YoungBlood800 
4th General: Crimez 
5th General: BIG_TONE 

5 star Chief & Co-Chief:

Chief's: jermfrank

Co-Chief: Riotmaker 

5 Star Leaders:

1st: IngeFosho 
2nd: Connory99 
3rd: HunterWisham 
4th: Gambino215 




1st: columbo 
2nd: RobertGleason 
4th: arsenalcrazy95 
5th: 9treBLOODGANG

6th: RJEEZY2014 
7th: jordanman360 
8th: knichols
9th: TreGatz

10th: CAPONE985 
11th: RobertGleason 
12th: KlairZy 
13th: BloodyBones100
14th: manman101

15th: DREAMZ
16th: LashOff 
17th: Maddman 
18th: jermfrank 
19th: PermaBaked
20th: JuelzSantana 
21st: Foxmatix 
22nd: WillieReynold_
23rd: UltimatePun1s 
24th: kellance 
25th: DaveSoGw
26th: Ethanthunder 

28th: peaunt2000 
29th: young_buckb 
30th: bellski99 
31st: RyanDelarosa 
33rd: jay1

34th: Pearlyn_Mantouf
And more......... 



Allied with:

Latin Kings
Rough Saints 
The Brother Hood 
1017 Brick Squad 
Latin Kings 
Silent Hill 
Grave Hearts 
Gorilla Squad 
The Godmother Family 
Illuminti 5 Stars 
Death Row 

Ghetto Commandments:

1. Never Cross your own gang. Treat them like family. 
2. Always respect your team, and/or Allieds cause they got yo back til the end until farth
er noticed. 
3. Help each other when needed. Never fight amongst each other. 

4. Never deal with outsider`s. Cause they will set you up, kill you, and take your cash if not careful.

Be careful who you bring into the family. Check them out first. 

6. Save up to start a bank account so for when you log off you put your
money in the bank. So if someone mugg's you. Your cash will be safe.

7. If your having a problem with anyone, and i mean anyone you tell the
Leader, the Co-Leader, or the Chief. 
8. Don't start a fight that you can't handle. Especially if your level is lower than your opponent. 
Work out, to over come the thy enemies. Get stronger, and strong to become powerful. 
10. When you reach level 5, you will be assigned by one of your leaders on what you will be ranked as. 
11. If you need anything, ask one of your leaders, and we will proved for you. 
12. Don`t fight, mug, and/or spy with out asking the ( 5 Round King ) for permission. 
 Never join another gang, unless your asking for
a Death Wish. 
14. We share, never get to big headed and forgot who made you. Always help your team. 

If any of these rules or broken. You better which your ass, cause we're coming for ya'. 

Now that your here: Welcome to: 5 round 9's,
and Gorilla Squad Nation. The home of Hustlers, and go getters. Either
you fuck with Our Click or you in the Food Chain. Hope your stay is
