Item Title

Item Description

BigSmoke's Rap Sheet

Level 11
Health:   12,290/12,290
Cash: $1,175
Prison: Putnam
Incarcerated: 11 years, 2 months
Last Seen: 10 years, 9 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" 666


Trusted Dealers

TickingTime has sent you 2,000 Rolled Blunts, 6,000 Energy Drinks, 14,000 Bottle of Waters!

Joe hands you a Just Wright DVD. Try not to get busted with it.

Joe looks at you suspiciously, but hands you a The Lorax DVD. Try not to get busted with it.

One per customer!

Joe hands you a Iron man 2 DVD. Try not to get busted with it.

One per customer!

Adam hands you a Diablo III. NO REFUNDS!

You break in to x cell, grab his Bed with Mattress, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,400 EXP! 