Item Title

Item Description

735509's Rap Sheet

Level 10
Health:   11,690/11,690
Cash: $23,265
Prison: Putnam
Incarcerated: 11 years, 8 months
Last Seen: 11 years, 5 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" * Me -N- My babyGirl, We Taking Over The World *

you break in, Drkut's cell, and make off with a Bottle of Water, a Large Bottle of Water and $9,966 from their bank! You earn 2,700 EXP!

You break in,xxxxxxxxxx's cell, and make off with a Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt and $3,577 from their bank! You earn 2,850 EXP!

You break in, xxxxxxxxxx's cell. And make off with a Lewder Photo, and a Screws and $5,677 from their bank! you earn 2,600 EXP!

You break in, but you hear MissNice coming back and decide to run before she returns! At least you make off with $10,766 You earn 2,700 EXP!

break in xxxxxxxxxx's Cell and make off with a Large Bottle of Water, a Rolled Blunt and $16,223 from their bank! You earn 2,700 EXP!

You break in xxxxxxxxxx's Cell and make off with a Rolled Blunt, a Large Bottle of Water and $20,441 from their bank! You earn 2,700 EXP!

You break in xxxxxxxxxx's cell, and make off with a Bottle of Water and $24,465 from their bank! You earn 2,850 EXP!

-----------------------Wall Of Shame----------------------------

Youngkeef hits like a girl and 735509 laughs
735509 wins 735509 earns 9875 EXP and makes off with $10,488 of Youngkeef's cash!

You catch Chase23, and manage to take $31,426 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 7187 EXP!

You catch Zarlooke, and manage to take $35,993 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 2897 EXP!

You catch DenchKid [OTR], and manage to take $4,785 in cash and a Beer from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 8271 EXP!

You catch Magik845 [OTR], and manage to take $270,225 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 648 EXP!
