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Item Description

20beckyrose10's Rap Sheet

Level 2
Health:   580/580
Cash: $7,994
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 14 years, 3 months
Last Seen: 13 years, 9 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

nmate Blurb:
" " 
1st Leader=7162 
2nd Leader=lol7331 
3rd Leader= 
Army leader= 
Army soldier= 
Army soldier= 
Security=                                   Security= 
1.were a family so treat each other well. 
2.if someones a higher level dont attack them because youll get your ass beaten 
3.if some one keeps fucking with you tell benpokerface and hell tell the whole gang 
4.respect other gangs if they respect us 
5.dont attack other gangs unless they attack us 
6.if you pertrait us well beat untill you pay 1k  

Alies=  "