Item Title

Item Description

1hitwonder's Rap Sheet

Level 13
Health:   17,090/17,090
Cash: $0
Prison: Arizona
Incarcerated: 14 years, 10 months
Last Seen: 13 years, 8 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" You trained using 123 energy, gained 207 strength and 10092 exp
You trained using 109 energy, gained 179 speed and 6230 exp 
You trained using 115 energy, gained 167 speed and 6413 exp
You trained using 102 energy, gained 148 speed and 5684 exp
You trained using 98 energy, gained 143 strength and 5492 exp
You trained using 90 energy, gained 131 speed and 6131 exp
You trained using 73 energy, gained 102 strength and 5019 exp
Energy Drinks: 3600
Small Waters: 1200
Blunts: 3200
Large Waters: 3000
Red Bulls: 5400 