12many's Rap Sheet

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Inmate Blurb:
1]-must play atleast 2 hours a day.
2]-must have a maxed out cell or working on getting there asap.
3]-No level camping.->if so must have good reason.
4]-no mooching off other crews work hard get your own shit.
5]-Don't bring war on the crew tell you talk to the counsel about the problem and it will be dealt accordingly.
6]-others rules coming well crew grows.


1]-must play atleast 2 hours a day.
2]-must have a maxed out cell or working on getting there asap.
3]-No level camping.->if so must have good reason.
4]-no mooching off other crews work hard get your own shit.
5]-Don't bring war on the crew tell you talk to the counsel about the problem and it will be dealt accordingly.
6]-others rules coming well crew grows.
